Kate's Point of View

The Product of Creative Frustration

Review of 22 Britannia Road

I have a new review on BookGeeks.co.uk of 22 Britannia Road by Amanda Hodgkinson.

Every life contains transformative moments where life is distinctly different afterwards from that before. Marriage, children, home ownership. Illness, death, rape, war. Fallout occurs when people in our lives before these events have to adapt to the version of us that emerges. Sometimes it simply isn’t possible.

22 Britannia Road by Amanda Hodgkinson centers on Janusz and Silvana, lovers who meet while very young and find themselves in a whirlwind romance leading to marriage and the birth of a son, Aurek. When World War II makes its way to their native Poland, the young family is blown apart.

Read the full review on BookGeeks.

This post originally appeared on Kate’s Point of View. © Kate. All rights reserved.

Photoshop Lesson #2 – Pictures for Print Versus Web

I mentioned earlier that I’m teaching an upcoming Photoshop course at work. I’m not an expert but I can make my way around the tool. I’m going to start sharing my class in pieces. This post is about saving your images for the web and for print.

Defining DPI and When To Use What
DPI stands for Dots Per Inch. Although somewhat of an oversimplification, one way to view DPI is that on print to make something look nice you need to squish a lot more dots of color into each inch while on digital platforms you don’t need to have as many dots. There are different rules for when to use what, but if you remember two measurements, you are good:

  • 72 dpi for digital
  • 300-600 dpi for print (you’ll almost always be dealing in the realm of 300)

What happens if you prepare a print image at 72 dpi? It looks something like this:

(It’s a little hard for me  to illustrate this on the web…)

What happens if you prepare web images at 300 dpi? It slows down the time it takes your webpage to load. For examples of slow sites, check out this top ten list.

How to Adjust DPI
You can modify the DPI of an image down and achieve the desired outcome. It is nearly impossible to adjust the DPI of an image up and achieve good results. To confirm or adjust the DPI of an image: Image … Image Size … Resolution. The field next to Resolution is the DPI value. You can adjust it by typing a new number into the field.

Saving Digital Images
The two most common ways to save images are as .jpegs / .gifs for print or web.

Note: .jpeg versus .gif … If it’s a photograph save it as a .job. If it’s a line drawing, like a cartoon, save it as a .gif. If you aren’t sure, save it as a .jpeg.

Method 1, which can be used for print or web, but assumes you have already set your image to the appropriate dpi: Save your image by File … Save As … Select .jpeg as format and type in file name … Save As … Select the image quality* … OK

*Image quality for a print image should be 12 (nicest). If you are saving for web, you can set the quality at 7 (medium quality).

Method 2, which can only be used for images that will only be used digitally: File … Save for Web and Devices* … Select version of file you want … Save

*The first time you save an image this way, I recommend you set up the next screen like the version below. Once you have set this up once, you should not need to do so again.

Some notes about this screen:

  1. I recommend the “4-Up” layout.
  2. Select ,joeg or .gif, as appropriate.
  3. If saving a .jpeg, set the quality at 60. This will act as a good default for you.
  4. You can change the quality setting for each block. The thumbnail in each corresponding block will show you how the image, saved at that quality, will look. Pay attention both to the image quality as well as the file size. You want to achieve the highest quality as the smallest file size.

File Types
There are many file types to select from when saving an image in Photoshop. Here are the most commonly used ones and when to use them.

  • .psd: If you are doing extensive editing work in Photoshop, saving your file as a .pdf will allow you to save your editing history and multiple layers. (I won’t be covering layers in any of my posts but am happy to answer questions if people have them.)
  • .jpeg: This is the most widely used and popular photo file format. This is a good format to save a file in when you are done editing. If you are still working on the file, it’s better to save it as a .psd so you don’t lose any data. Every time you save resave a .jpeg, you are losing a small bit of data.
  • .gif: The Graphic Interchange Format is great for graphics but less appropriate for photos. These file types can display up to 256 colors, which works for graphics but limiting for photographs.
  • .png: This is a lossless file type, meaning that, unlike the .jpeg, you can save this file type over and over without losing any data. Unfortunately, this file type is not as widely supported as .jpegs and it does not support CMYK colors, meaning commercial printers can’t use them.
  • .tiff: This is another lossless file type, so you can save it over and over without losing data. It also supports CMYK so it is good use in commercial printing. Unfortunately the file sizes are huge and often too unwieldy to work with.
  • .eps: Files in this format are often used by printers because they can be imported into many printing programs. Unless requested by a printer, this typically does not make sense to use because it cannot be opened by many programs.

Want to start from the beginning? View class 1, which reviews the Photoshop toolbar.

As always, see something you disagree with or think is just plain wrong? Tell me! Seriously – I want to know.

This post originally appeared on Kate’s Point of View. © Kate. All rights reserved.

Alpacas are cute

My mom loves alpacas. Years ago for mother’s day Wonder Boy and I found the perfect gift for her – an opportunity to help on an alpaca farm during shearing day. It was really fun and we learned a lot.

This past weekend I visited Una Luna Alpaca Farm with my mom. It was crazy. The place had somewhere around 80 alpacas on their land – they were everywhere! What’s great is that one of the pastures is really the farm’s front yard. And I can assure you, their grass did not need cutting.

All of the alpacas had recently been sheared. The end results made for some funny hairdos. My favorite was this chappie who looked like a stoned surfer dude.

Another looked like he had an afro – check out the reddish-brown one in the back.

And then, of course, there were the babies. How do you not like baby alpacas?!?

One of the highlights of our visit for the alpacas was when the owners turned on the sprinkler, knowing it would get all of the animals to come nearer and get their photos taken. Apparently being an alpaca in the summer is hot business so several took turns either sitting directly on or standing right over the sprinkler head.

This post originally appeared on Kate’s Point of View. © Kate. All rights reserved.

Today has been a long day, but fun. I’m too zonked to share much but wanted to pass on a highlight.
This post originally appeared on Kate’s Point of View. © Kate. All rights reserved.

Grocery Shopping

Every couple divides chores as make most sense for them. Wonder Boy and I have a straightforward division of labor.

Me: laundry and straightening up
Him: grocery shopping and floors

We both share gardening / wedding duties and I’ve been trying to help more with the cats (litter, water, etc.). The floors is a cruddy job for Wonder Boy to get the reality is I just don’t care about dirty floors. I could notice the floors were dirty, though I probably wouldn’t, and just move on. Clean them? That’s about as likely to happen as me dusting.

The main trade-off that makes our chore divisions so perfect is laundry and grocery shopping divide. Wonder Boy is fine at doing laundry but he stretches it out over forever whereas I get it done in one day. I hate* grocery shopping – hate, hate, hate it – and Wonder Boy isn’t too bothered by it. Perfect.

Today I stumbled across this video that made me think that someday grocery shopping could be in my realm of possibilities.

* To be clear, it isn’t the act of grocery shopping I hate. It’s wide walkers and slow walkers and carts parked in the middle if aisles.
This post originally appeared on Kate’s Point of View. © Kate. All rights reserved.

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