The Product of Creative Frustration

Category: travel Page 11 of 15

Weird, right?

In Ecuador Wonder Boy and I went for lunch in a posh café on the third floor of a beautiful old building in Quito, next door to the presidential palace. We ate like a king and queen, mainly because we had no idea how large the portions of food we were ordering were, and drank local brew and wine. Off on one corner of the balcony there was a local man playing a keyboard and on the balcony below us we could see a jewelry vendor and diners in another restaurant. A lovely setting for lunch.

Two tables in front of us were a mother and father eating with their two very cute children. The kids were happily clacking away on an antique typewriter that was propped up on a shelf near them and were having a glorious time not eating their food. It was cute.

Apparently the scene was so cute that the when the little girl, about 5-tears-old, climbed into her mother’s lap the mother felt an intense desire to kiss her. On the lips. With tongue.

That’s right, I saw a mom French kiss her daughter with exposed tongue.

Someday that child will write into an advice column or spend a lot of time on a shrink’s couch. You know it.

This post originally appeared on Kate’s Point of View. © Kate. All rights reserved.

Ecuadorian delights

Introduced to Wonder Boy and I by Patrick in a pizza shop in Otavalo, enjoy yourself some La Playa [translated: The Beach; spoken by Patrick: The Bitch].

La Playa - Your're new favorite Ecuadorian band!
This post originally appeared on Kate’s Point of View. © Kate. All rights reserved.

A little curry with your clothing?

I have traveled my way through a small portion of the world, visiting mere dots on our huge planet. One point I have become very clear on is that in countries with less of a belief in deodorant than my own, long trips on buses and time spent in subway trains and terminals is filled with the overwhelming scent of curry. That’s right – you get a couple hundred stinky people together and their cumulative body odor smells like the Indian spice I take so much joy in.

I return last night from a fabulous week in Ecuador, introducing Wonder Boy to the joys of international travel. I am happy to report that the South American towns we spent time in were among the friendliest I have visited and that I never once got a whiff of curry.

Yesterday Wonder Boy and I arose at 4:45 am to start getting ready for our journey home. We spent a combined twenty hours in airports or airplanes and by the time we arrived at the Cincinnati / Northern Kentucky International Airport, my eyes were red and dried out with the lids feeling permanently at half mast and I remained standing only out of muscle memory because my brain was past the point of functioning properly. After grabbing our luggage and finding my car, I dropped Wonder Boy off at his abode and headed home where I immediately crashed.

Twelve hours in bed spent intermittently sleeping and reading has done me well. So now I sit hear at my computer terminal reading emails and blogging, of course. In what is an absentminded gesture for me, while I read my emails I had my chin resting on my hand for support. And I’ll be damned, my hand smells of curry. Twenty hours in airports and airplanes will do that to you… Time to hit the showers.

This post originally appeared on Kate’s Point of View. © Kate. All rights reserved.

Nap Time

Right now I want to partake in the ultimate luxury – a nap. Folks, I am dying. Last night I went out with friends to celebrate the anniversary of my birth and I had a little too much fun. And Miller Light. I definitely had too much Miller Light. But right now all I want is to crawl under my comforter and sleep for as long as humanly possible.

I am a champion napper, you know. I come by it naturally because I was born to a power napper. My mom, when we used to go on road trips, would pull over so she could take a 5 to 15 minute nap and then she was good to go for the rest of the day. Five minutes! I am much more greedy with my naps. If it’s less than 20 minutes, why bother? And really, should all naps be at least an hour?

My favorite thing to do in the WHOLE WIDE WORLD is to take a nap out in the sunshine. I have napped in sunny locations around the world.

  • I took a nice lengthy nap outside of the Freer Gallery of Art / Arthur M. Sackler Gallery in Washington, DC. I looked so vulnerable that a security guard kept watch on me the whole nap and I could see him out of my partially closed eyes and felt reassured that I could nap just as long as I pleased.
  • On a trip in Europe napped in a park just at the base of Belem Tower in Portugal. All of my gear for the trip was in a bag pack that I draped my legs over so that no one would steal it while I snoozed and the plan worked. When I woke up, I had the please of being greeted by a drug deal trying to sell me some hash.
  • I cannot detail the number of public libraries and college lecture halls that I have slept in, because there are just so many with little nooks and crannies perfect for naps.
  • During long workdays, I have used my lunch hour to catch up on shut eye in two locations. On a number of occasions I have gone to a nearby park (well known as a pick up spot for men) and slept on a park bench. I have also utilized the picnic tables outside of our building as a good resting spot. I stopped napping outside the building when I woke up one time to my coworkers banging on the windows laughing at me. Don’t they know not to interrupt a good nap?
  • I used to walk to a park in one of the city squares near me and nap on park benches. Friends kept driving by and honking their horns to say hi so it wasn’t ideal.

That’s all I can think of now. I am sure there are more naps I could talk about but I am too tired and looking forward to the nap I am going to be taking in about a half hour…

This post originally appeared on Kate’s Point of View. © Kate. All rights reserved.

Why green acres ain’t the place for me

On a recent visit to Fletcher, Ohio, Wonder Boy and I drove past a house with this in it’s front yard:

To be fair, this is a wonderful likeness of Dale Earnhardt and it is beautifully carved. That said, I think it’s a little much, as is focusing a light on the statue so people can see it at nice, as is the number three with wings behind the carving of the man.

This post originally appeared on Kate’s Point of View. © Kate. All rights reserved.

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