The Product of Creative Frustration

Category: technology Page 6 of 7


I do need a digital camera. Badly. Then I would have been able to capture in photo the PAIR OF UNDERWEAR sitting in the street by my car at work yesterday. (Someone else snagged the pic for me.) And for the record this is the SECOND pair of underwear seen around my workplace. (That, by the way, is in addition to the dildo, hairnet, hair extension, shoes, etc. that have been spotted.)

Questions this raises for me:
  • HOW does one’s underwear end up on the road??? Did it just fall off???
  • If, for instance, someone was doing risque stuff that would cause them to lose their undies, weren’t they scared of being seen or caught?
  • Do you think this person is missing her underwear?
  • Do you think I could get a reward for turning in this underwear?
  • The underwear wasn’t there when I looked today. Do you think someone retrieved them? If so, do you think they were the original owner?
This post originally appeared on Kate’s Point of View. © Kate. All rights reserved.


I need to get a digital camera. I know this. It may even be my first purchase when some money I have been earning on the side (guess how?) starts to come in. Here is a good example of WHY I need a digital camera:

This morning I saw an older man running past my house. With an umbrella in hand. WUSS!

Reminds me of a woman I saw in San Sebastian, Spain, who was walking down the beach in a bathing suit carrying an umbrella. Absurd.

This post originally appeared on Kate’s Point of View. © Kate. All rights reserved.


Scene: Me in a T-Mobile store where there is one other customer and the clerk.

Me: I got caught in a big rainstorm and my cell phone must have gotten wet and ever since the ringer seems to be broken.

Store Clerk: Let me see the phone.

Store clerk starts fiddling with the phone – testing the ring tones.

Me: The ringer technically works but you can barely hear it.

Store Clerk: Um, it looks like you had the volume turned down. All fixed.

I walked quickly out of the store, averting all eye contact. I think I heard laughter behind me.

This post originally appeared on Kate’s Point of View. © Kate. All rights reserved.


I am a huge fan of people who make funny 404 pages on their sites or have funny confirmation emails for sign-ups. See this confirmation email from below:


You’re getting this email because you’ve just signed up for an account on (Or at least someone using your email address did.)

To finish activating the account, simply reply to this message with a blank message. The subject line and message body will be ignored.

If you don’t want to activate it, just ignore or delete this email and the account will get killed off in a week or so.

Welcome to Fark!


P.S. If you have absolutely no idea what the hell this is about, just ignore it, and this will be the only email you ever get from us. We’re not a bunch of spamming bastards. 🙂


I compose this WOTD with some amount of rage in me. Maybe rage is a tad too strong of a word, but it’s the closest I got right now.

I think voicemail is the dumbest thing ever in the workplace. I say whenever possible you should send email. I know in some cases this is a generational thing and I should be kinder to my elders, but I don’t care because I think I am right. There are many benefits to email. 1) You have record of the message sent or received. 2) In my case I can actually see whether someone has opened or even deleted the message. 3) If important details are included in the email, you can print them out or save them in the appropriate spot on your computer. 4) When arranging meetings and such, they save time because they don’t necessitate small talk or pleasantries. You can email short messages and accomplish your task.

An illustration of number four and the cause of my rage:

I need to set up a conference call between myself and two other individuals who work at two different places. There is no point in separate conversations between us. That would necessitate me, or some other designated shlep, to act as the messenger and relay conversations back and forth. Pointless. One conference call will take care of all our needs.

I have sent out three emails requesting that the two individuals I need to speak with email me their available times for a conference call. After all three emails one of the men in question has called me back and left me some stupid voicemail with no point and, more importantly, no free times for the conference call and to top it all off, he doesn’t even leave his number.

So now I have to call this man and tell him we can’t talk but can he please just tell me his stupid free times so I can set up this ridiculous conference call.

Had he emailed me in the first place all would be well.

Stupid, stupid man.

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