The Product of Creative Frustration

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When Parents Text, And I Wish I Had Thought Of This

We all have things we see and think “Why the heck didn’t I think of that?” (Or worse, I thought of that. Why didn’t I do anything with the idea?”)

So often, and always online, I find people doing things in my flavor of snark, and doing it successfully. The newest thing I’ve found just kills me!

Via the Huffington Post, I learned about When Parents Text: Small Keyboards, Old Hands. Hysterical!

Check out the article so you can see their slideshow of some of the funniest texts. Then enjoy exploring When Parents Text: Small Keyboards, Old Hands.

This post originally appeared on Kate’s Point of View. © Kate. All rights reserved.

My Wonder Woman Wrist Cuff

Do you ever take surveys that ask you how much time on average you spend on a computer per day or week? I do and the amount I have to answer is always horrid. I spend every day at work at a computer almost all day. At home I sit at my computer some more so I can check email, work on freelance projects, blog, etc.

Each day I am accompanied by my faithful sidekick – a hand brace. It’s sort of like a Wonder Woman wrist cuff but way, way, way less cool. It’s the crutch makes me able to continue working on computers. It’s the very visible indicator that someday I will no longer regularly work on computers because it won’t be an option.

It’s overwhelming to see it coming. It’s also liberating to know that I can’t keep doing what I’m doing. It opens up a world of possibilities. More often than not, it is the lens through which I watch TV, read articles and books and have conversations with people. Could I do what you do? Could I pursue this subject professionally? Could I make a living doing that? The answer is almost always no but eventually I’m going to come across the perfect thing. The things with the most promise are unprofitable and a little strange:

  • Urban farmer
  • Education, although as technology and education become more intertwined, this will be ruled out
  • Professional gift wrapper
  • Independently wealthy (this one is profitable, just unlikely)
This post originally appeared on Kate’s Point of View. © Kate. All rights reserved.

Let the change keep coming

I got a new computer on Friday. A Mac. I finally set it up today and in some ways I am surprised I did it. I have found the last few days really overwhelming.

But I hooked up the computer and slowly I am figuring it out. Its so much to learn. I won’t tell anyone I have it because I don’t want to say whether or not I like it until I feel comfortable with it. Strange, I think, but its how my head works. Is the computer pretty? Sure. Easy? Not yet but maybe some day. Am I happy with it? Not now but I do hope to be very soon.

I figured out how to add music from my old computer to this one really easily, so that was nice. And the photo booth thing is fun.

This post originally appeared on Kate’s Point of View. © Kate. All rights reserved.

Change is in the Air: My New ‘Puter

I don’t do change well. It’s just not my thing. I tend to be gun shy about decisions (except travel) and drag them out until watching me is painful and being me is even more so.

For the last 12-18 months my computer has been dying. A very painful death. It moves like molasses and has hot pink lines that go across the screen. But I’m cheap and felt, on principle, that the thing should last longer. After a lot of convincing, Jason reformatted the computer and tested his monitor with it to try and resolve, or at least isolate, the problem. Nothing.

The other night he walks in and asks what I am doing. “Reading a book,” I say. “While I wait for this web page to load.” He started laughing. As he should have.

So the other Wonder Boy asked if I was going to the gym. I said he was and he suggested that we shouldn’t so we could discuss our home renovation project (more on that later). “All right,” I said, “but if I don’t go to the gym I am going to buy a computer and you can come with me and we’ll talk on the way.” Just like that I had made my decision.

And not only that, I am switching from PCs to Macs. This will be interesting. I am a PC nerd through and through and hate having to struggle with technology. I also have been a little stagnant with my learning so this could be a good opportunity… We’ll see.

Regardless, NO PINK LINES! It should be shipped any day now.

This post originally appeared on Kate’s Point of View. © Kate. All rights reserved.

Insecure and lame

Yesterday on my ride in to work I was listening to some radio station in the car. You know, rockin’ out. The station was advertising the fact that they offer streaming version of their music online so you can listen to good music at work. And then they said it.

“Listen to good music for free. Why buy your music and put more money in Steve Jobs’ pocket?”

I almost had to pull over I was laughing so hard.

In truth, and I feel it necessary to make this point very clearly here, I do not hate Macs. As a matter of fact, I think they are pretty damn cool. But what I do hate is just about everything else about Mac culture. (I write this as I listen to music via my iTunes and my iPod is charging.)

There have been those Mac versus PC commercials playing for a while now. I know a lot of people think they’re really funny. Despite my indifference to the “PC or MAC: which is better dispute?” I think those commercials rank among the most offensive put in my face. They are equivalent of a political campaign attack ad. That’s right: ATTACK AD.

When you have to advertise how great you are by saying how bad someone else is, I question how great you are. That pretty much sums up my distaste for politics and definitely for election seasons. I don’t care how bad you think your competitor is. You must consider them a legitimate threat if you call them out by name. So get over it and tell me why you are great and then let me make the decision about who is better.

Steve-o, when your ads talk about how lame PCs are, you are legitimizing PCs. You are acknowledging that they are a true threat to your world. Lame.

States are clamoring to get earlier dates for their political primaries. I keep reading about it and hearing stories about it. (You can probably tell the topic of the show on my iPod by the look on my face. Disgust and dread = politics. Or Iraq. Same difference.)

The only candidates that have been keeping my interest so far are the ones who choose not to comment on their competitors. (I have a few additional things I am judging them by.) Or if they do, it’s in a nice, respectful manner. Otherwise, I am turning the page, changing the channel or skipping past the radio show. Pretty much the same as I do when one of those little insecure, lame Mac commercials comes on.

Update: I am now a Mac owner. I love it. I still think the Mac culture is deplorable.

This post originally appeared on Kate’s Point of View. © Kate. All rights reserved.

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