The Product of Creative Frustration

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Rock Shows: Big Versus Little

Is it horrible that Wonder Boy and I try to see some concerts with the stated reasoning that we want to see the person play while they’re still alive? I think it’s a little morbid, but if I had applied that logic to Michael Jackson I would be a much happier woman!

So last night I saw Paul Simon play and it was pretty awesome. I forget sometimes how cool arena shows can be. I’m used to seeing concerts that cost only a few bucks and where the crowd can range in size from under 10 people to a few hundred. Seeing these small acts has risks associated with it. I may see a band that is great and they might disappear from the music scene a minute later. I may see an act in some intimate setting and have them get huge and their shows get overblown and glitzy soon after. (Please, Features, stay cool after your Twilight fame blows up!) The benefits of seeing smaller acts perform is that you are truly supporting someone in the most basic way, the costs are much less you get to act like a total hipster. (Oh Kings of Leon? I liked them after their first album and saw them on their first tour. I am so over them.)

Big, arena-type shows are generally expensive and tend to be aggressively slick. But that slickness has been earned with years of hits and experience. I’ve seen a lot of big shows in my day – Beach Boys, Billy Joel, Rod Stewart, Jimmy Buffet, Dave Matthews Band, Def Leppard, Justin Timberlake – and I still get the same thrill out of having thousands upon thousands of people all caught up in a moment. I remember the first time I saw Billy Joel play how magical I thought it was when the entire crowd was singing Piano Man to him while he just played the piano and smiled at everyone. (My older, more cynical version thinks of this as a sort of masturbatory use of fame.)

Last night Paul Simon walked out onstage and people went nuts. Being surrounded by so many people who are all pumped just to see a person, not even hear him, is crazy. And then when he started singing, even greater excitement. I like Paul Simon but I’m not driven apeshit by the site of him. I was much more enthralled by the nine people and 100+ instruments on the stage. There were seven keyboards or pianos! At one point, four different people were playing drums! It was just amazing.

I left last night with a greater respect for Paul Simon and a definite respect for the guys who play with him. Someone else in the crowed obviously felt the same when she said, “His voice is definitely better than Bob Seger’s.” (Seriously?)

I can’t help thinking about the small versus big show. The big show last night was fabulous, but good God, can you imagine what it would have been like to have seen Paul Simon in a small show after his self-titled album in 1972?

This post originally appeared on Kate’s Point of View. © Kate. All rights reserved.

Turning It Up to 11 on 11.11.11

In honor of the date, 11/11/11, NPR’s ALL Songs Considered featured a list of songs where you’d turn up the volume to 11 while listening. I was completely entertained listening to their songs and thought I would create my own list.
In no particular order, here are 10 songs where the volume should be cranked up to 11 as soon as they start playing. And I’m completely willing to admit that some of these songs are not good, but I still love hearing them!

Smells Like Teen Spirit, Nirvana
Get Off, Prince
Rocky Top, Osborne Brothers
Baby, I Got Your Money, Old Dirty Bastard
Ditty, Paperboy
California Gurls, Katy Perry, Featuring Snoop Dogg

Thursday, The Features

The Sounds of Science, Beastie Boys

99 Problems, Jay-Z

P.Y.T., Michael Jackson
This post originally appeared on Kate’s Point of View. © Kate. All rights reserved.

What I’ve been Checking Out This Week

Here are some of the things I’ve been checking out this week.

  • The Huffington Post featured this collection of old wedding photos and I love the, especially this one.
  • Rachel Devine takes some beautiful photographs of kids. I like this picture in particular because the kids aren’t even in focus and their spirit is captured perfectly.
  • Have you seen ANIMALS TALKING IN ALL CAPS? It’s hysterical.
  • A lot of cake and cookie decorations just look … hard. These brain cupcakes seem totally doable.
  • I know so many nerds. So many. But do I know the King of the Nerds? If only I could be so lucky… 
  • Although I hope I don’t have to redo a kitchen for a long time, I really love this kitchen makeover included a little place for the household dog.
  • Wonder Boy turned by on to Lana Del Rey and … WOW. I definitely recommend checking her out – especially the song Video Games.

  • I think we’ve all seen that crazy cat girl’s eHarmony video. It’s entertaining, but this remixed one is even better!

This post originally appeared on Kate’s Point of View. © Kate. All rights reserved.

Reflecting on My 30 Days of Fun

Last night for my very fun 29th day of fun I went out with Kittvator and Wonder Boy to listen to Death Cab for Cutie. Several of my girlfriends were also at the show and the show was really good. It was a pretty awesome way to spend a Friday night.

Tonight for my last day in the 30 Days of Fun I am attending a slumber party with a bunch of awesome ladies.

I have loved the 30 day experiment and intend to do it again. The exercise did help me better develop the habit of regular blogging. My 30 days of fun was more complicated. When I set out on 30 days of fun, I assume it would be easy. Fun! But it was hard. It was way too hard.

It’s an odd feeling to have come to the conclusion that I simply am not having that much fun. It’s such a sad statement. That said, I’m glad I tackled the 30 days, lame as some of my “fun” activities were. And now I have given myself the much larger assignment of trying to make my life more fun and figure out what’s impeding the fun right now.

I think one aspect of fun is your mindset. And mine hasn’t been the most positive. As a private 30 Days activity, I am going to try and pursue a Gratitude Journal. Typically, when I hear people talk about gratitude journals, where you document at least one thing each day you are grateful for, I think they’re a little cheeseball. But if it works, then so be it!

Have you ever found yourself getting caught up in the tedium of life and moving away from what keeps things fun? How do you do you get back to a fun place?

This post originally appeared on Kate’s Point of View. © Kate. All rights reserved.

The Breaking Dawn: Part 1 Soundtrack

I make no secret of my love of obsession with the The Features, a band out of Nashville. And I’m not too proud to admit that I read the Twilight books and have seen the movies. Two days ago the lineup for the soundtrack of Breaking Dawn: Part 1 was announced on Twitter, two months before the movie comes out. I was pretty much ecstatic to see that The Features have a track on the album.

It’s a little hard to read, but this is how the soundtrack for Breaking Dawn: Part 1 lines up:

  1. The Joy Formidable: Endtapes
  2. Angus and Julia Stone: Love Will Take Youu
  3. Bruno Mars: It Will Rain
  4. Sleeping At Last: Turning Page
  5. The Features: From Now On
  6. Christina Perri: A Thousand Years
  7. Theophilus London: Neighbors
  8. The Belle Brigade: I Didn’t Mean It
  9. Noisettes: Sister Rosetta (2011 Version)
  10. Cider Sky: Northern Lights
  11. Iron and Wine: Flightless Bird, American Mouth (Wedding Version)
  12. Imperial Mammoth: Requiem on Water
  13. Aqualung and Lucy Schwartz: Cold
  14. Mia Maestro: Llovera
  15. Carter Burwell: Love Death Birth

I am super excited for more people to get introduced to Features!

Check out the trailer for Breaking Dawn: Part 1. (Wonder Boy – close your browser! You will consider this is a spoiler.)

This post originally appeared on Kate’s Point of View. © Kate. All rights reserved.

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