The Product of Creative Frustration

Category: rock Page 11 of 20

It’s Hammer Time!

Last night I went to a Cincinnati Reds baseball game that was followed by … wait for it … a MC Hammer concert. I’ll admit it — I found the whole thing hysterical and gad a fabulous time. Everyone knew the words to his songs and for a guy whose a little past his time (U Can’t Touch This came out in 1990), he still had some moves! There were fireworks after the game, too, and he starts dancing to the beat of the fireworks and did an incredible job at it.

Hard to believe I’d ever 1) be writing a review of an MC Hammer show and 2) be saying it was good!

Pre game setup … Hammer Time
MC Hammer Singing “U Can’t Touch This”
MC Hammer Singing “Pray”
Who can resist dancing to a little MC Hammer? Apparently everybody except that one row.
This post originally appeared on Kate’s Point of View. © Kate. All rights reserved.

Free Energy is Awesome

Wonder Boy and I spent all winter whining away about the lack of good shows coming to Cincinnati. We wondered aloud why we didn’t live in Nashville, Louisville or Chicago. They were drawing all of the great shows.

Then all of a sudden, the flood gates opened and it was like manna falling from the skies!

That may not seem like much but there is more to come!!!  In July we have a slight musical drought that picks up in August with Crowded House and Josh Ritter and the season will close with Billy Idol and Kings of Leon / The Black Keys. We are very happy.

The discovery this week really was Free Energy. We went to Mates of State as total posers — we knew nothing of their music but went because we trusted the taste of friends we knew going. In the end we thought they were okay. Their guest trumpet player, however, was phenomenal.

Opening for Mates of State of Free Energy. Love. They are a throwback to 70s rock. Think the Rolling Stones meets The Darkness meets Thin Lizzie. Think ridiculous stage presence that surpasses there minimal experience. They have one CD out and if it indicates what they are capable of, I am excited.

Almost as excited as I am for the rest of the concerts this summer!

This post originally appeared on Kate’s Point of View. © Kate. All rights reserved.

Magnetic Show by Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros

Last night Wonder Boy and I drove out to Indy to meet up with Dr. Cousin for dinner and a concert. After a brief Mexican dinner in the Broad Ripple area, we walked to the sparkly Vogue theater. All sorts of hipster kids were lined up making me rethink the cool quotient I apply to Indianapolis. For the sold out Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros show I was so impressed by the venue. Even at sold out status, there was plenty of room to walk around.

We watched the stage crew do set up and it went on and on. Turns out that when you have 10+ people on stage at any given time and all are miked, takes a bit of time to get everything set up. After everything was in place, a series of dirty-looking bearded boys and a few very retro-styled girls made there way on stage. They kicked off the show with “40 Day Dream” and it was beautiful.

Dr. Cousin had never heard of Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros but he loved the show. It was a glorious journey through hippy rock, alt-country and poppy songs that sounded like they were sung by Neil Diamond, which I mean in a positive way.

The second to last song, admittedly my favorite off of the album, was “Home” and they busted it out. He floors were shaking. The crowd and band had a good call and response going on.

I’m smitten, the proud owner of an Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros concert poster and an evangelizer of their music.

This post originally appeared on Kate’s Point of View. © Kate. All rights reserved.

Bad Show for Bad Veins

Last night we had people over for some tasty delights on the grill and some cold beverages. With the assistance of many cold beverages, I was able to brace myself for a street festival. (Note: I hate street festivals. I find them full of tacky, trashy, smelly, sticky people and the food is over-priced and not that good and the whole thing is just uck.) The carrot tempting me down there? A wonderful stage show by Bad Veins, a local up-and-coming band.
We parked downtown and made our way through crowds of people in the street festival attire I was expecting (muffins tops, lots of cleavage, man tanktops, jorts, etc.)but were able to get to our stage pretty quickly. And get more cold beverages to boot!
When the Bad Veins took the stage I was expecting a welcoming for these local boys. Shame on the crowd who didn’t make a single peep when they walked on stage. I don’t think that helped gear the boys up for anything spectacular. But then they made it worse by talking entirely too much. And not humorous banter – just self-depreciating rambling. Whatever. I wasn’t there for that. I wanted rock.
So the music starts and the Bad Veins are doing okay. Not great, but okay. Their schtick is they have a few songs where the singer sings into a telephone (you have to see that to believe it) or a megaphone. Too bad the sound guy never turned up the volume on those.
This post is as rambling and disjointed as the show last night but what I can say for sure is that if the original Bad Veins show I had seen was like last night, we would not have this hanging in our hallway.
This post originally appeared on Kate’s Point of View. © Kate. All rights reserved.

Fighting Tension

For the last many weeks I have been battling stress and anxiety. Okay, maybe more like months, years, my lifetime. For Christmas I got a CD from Wonder Boy’s aunt, a CD that labelled itself as “Easy Listening.” Oh dear. Talk about losing all of my hipster cred!

But the thing is, I love it. I’ve been sitting at my desk working with this goofy music playing in the background, like I am waiting for massage at the spa. It’s nice. Calming.

This post originally appeared on Kate’s Point of View. © Kate. All rights reserved.

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