The Product of Creative Frustration

Category: reviews Page 4 of 20

The Pros and Cons of a Forrest Gump Approach to History

My Week in Books

For the past week I’ve been lugging around the three pound tome that is Ken Follett’s final installment to the Century Trilogy, Edge of Eternity. (The first two were Fall of Giants and Winter of the World.) Follett has attempted an enormous undertaking. Using wars as his focal point, he has explained a century of world history in only three novels: World War I, World War II and the Cold War.Perhaps because the material was the most new to me, I think the book focusing on World War I was his most successful with each subsequent book being a little less so. That said, Follett has been writing historical fiction for a long time and the way he combines all of the knowledge he’s accrued is pretty amazing.

Follett’s approach with this series is to take a large cast of characters and illustrate world history through their experiences. Each subsequent time period is told via the next generation of the original cast. This works because the characters are in such close proximity to world events. In Edge of Eternity, one woman has an affair with President Kennedy, a man is an aid to President Nixon,  one woman uses her job as a journalist in Russia to feed information to her brother, a high-ranking government official, and so on.

Remember how in the movie Forrest Gump the title character finds himself at many key points in history? That’s basically what happens here. And while I wish I had never thought of that comparison, because it cheapens the book and work that went into it, I think it’s pretty accurate.

Why Forrest Gumping History Works

Although I’ve read about all of the historical events discussed in Edge of Eternity, I couldnt even attempt to relay the information to someone else. It’s not an area of strength for me. By creating fictional characters that I care about and incorporating those characters into history, I become more invested. I still might not remember every detail, but I’m more likely to remember the general gist of what happened.

History, especially political history, is a funny thing because nothing happens in a vacuum. All of the pieces are related to each other but that can be hard to explain. In the context of a story that’s removed from the boring lectures we might have gotten in school, it’s easier to note how story lines interconnect, or how actions cause reactions and history forms over time through many, many series of events.

What You Lose When You Add Too Much Fiction to History

Very few among us is wholly good or wholly bad. But when you’re trying to convey 60 years of history in one novel, you almost have to reduce people to narrow categorization. And so, in Edge of Eternity the bad guys are bad and the good guys are good. Unless they are a main character, in which case people are more nuanced. That’s simply not the fairest telling of history but certainly makes relaying information easier.

One storyline Edge of Eternity I was particularly intrigued by involved Maria Summers and an affair she had with JFK. Follett researched this area by looking to Mimi Alford, whose 2011 memoir talked about her time as an intern in the White House, where she became a presidential mistress. While it might be based on fact, it’s up to me as a reader to look at that plot point, step back and try to examine it as an example of a larger pattern. If I read it as history, and not historical fiction, then I am doing myself a disservice.

I’ve read many critiques of Follett’s portrayal of the latter part of the cold war as being revisionist history. Most of the criticisms seem to come from republicans or conservatives who are offended in his treatment of Presidents Reagan and Bush Sr. I think the complaints are well-founded. But. Almost any telling of history is revisionist to some point. Even the best journalists and historians out there make choices about what parts of history they report. The information presented, or not, shapes peoples opinions. Follett made choices and, in doing so, reduced some really complex parts of history into manageable events. I don’t take issue with that because it’s historical fiction. If I were reading a school textbook, I might feel differently.

Edge of Eternity (The Century Trilogy #3) by Ken Follett.
Follett is a great writer. I take issue with how he presents women and a need to put so much sex into all of his novel (often unrealistically), but I can put up with it for a good story. And that he can provide. While this should be the last in the series, Follett has reportedly said he would do another sequel. If he does, I’ll happily read it. His books aren’t perfect, but they are thoroughly enjoyable!
This post originally appeared on Kate’s Point of View. © Kate. All rights reserved.

Bad Books, Great Books and Working Through a Quartet

My Week in Books

Normally the holidays don’t allow much time for reading. Being off work takes care of that problem! Even though we travelled back and forth to three Thanksgiving dinners, there was plenty of time for books.The first book I read for the week was The Mill River Redemption by Darcie Chan, which I mentioned in an earlier post. I struggled to write one pleasant post about the book so I am going to leave it at that.

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Even though The Miniaturist by Jessie Burton has only been out a few months, I feel as if it’s been on my list of books to read forever. That said, I had no idea what to expect from the book and was very pleasantly surprised. The Miniaturist is historical fiction but, unlike so many of the books in that genre that I read, focused much more on the storyline and than the history, which I think gives it a broader appeal.

Burton writes of Nella, a young bride who goes to her husband’s town and has every expectation she had of married life dashed. Her husband isn’t interested in her physically, her sister-in-law runs the home that Nella thought she herself would head and the household servants take liberties that don’t seem proper. What starts off as feeling like a horrible twist of fate gets more interesting when Nella orders items for the miniature house (dollhouse) her husband gave her as a wedding gift. The items for the tiny house, made by the local miniaturist, are too good … too accurate. The miniaturist has a gift.

I read this very quickly and am excited to pass it on to friends and family.

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The Messenger by Lois Lowry is the second companion novel for The Giver and proves me a little wrong from last week. The books aren’t standalone – the story lines are starting to connect!

I’m trying not to do any research into these books until I finish the quartet, but I do have some questions. I like how each novel has a definite lesson it’s teaching (preaching?). I’ve admired how the stories seem straight fiction and it takes some interpretation to see what the moral of the story is. For The Messenger there seemed to be lots of parallels to the immigration discussions occurring here in the United States and that had me kind of laughing as I read. But at the end … did it get kind of Jesus-y? That’s what I want to read up on, and I will after I’ve completed the last book.

I’m not against books with religious connotations. I love the Narnia Chronicles and conversely, His Dark Materials. But, admittedly, I’d prefer a book that can be a little more agnostic in its teaching.

The Mill River Redemption by Darcie Chan; The Miniaturist by Jessie Burton; The Messenger by Lois Lowry.
This post originally appeared on Kate’s Point of View. © Kate. All rights reserved.

Peculiar and Fabulous

I’ve been intending to write a review of Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children and the follow-up, Hollow City, for some time now. I enjoyed the books so much but I don’t know how to adequately describe them.I enjoyed the stories in part because they were not at all what I was expecting. Even the genre was different than I had anticipated. I’m fascinated by how the author, Ransom Riggs, used old photography throughout the books. I couldn’t help but wonder what came first – the images or the stories. I hope it was the images because it makes his creative process so much more unique to me!I think I could make some attempt here to describe to you what Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children and Hollow City are about. Or, I could do you a bigger favor and just instruct you to go read the books. Learn nothing about them beforehand. Dive headfirst into the story and be prepared to be transported to a wonderfully peculiar place.
Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children and Hollow City by Ransom Riggs.
This post originally appeared on Kate’s Point of View. © Kate. All rights reserved.

Peanut Butter Overload

Forbidden Fruit(y Pebbles)

In this edition of the Forbidden Fruit(y Pebbles), where I enlist my family and friends to go back and taste test all of the cereals our moms wouldn’t let us eat growing up, Wonder Boy and I sample Cap’n Crunch’s Peanut Butter Crunch and Reese’s Puffs. What will they be like as adults? Will they be as good as we suspected? Or, were our moms right all along?

Cap’n Crunch’s Peanut Butter Crunch

At least Cap'n Crunch's Peanut Butter Crunch really does taste like peanut butter.

Have you had this cereal before?

Wonder Boy: No
Me: No

As a kid, what did you think it would taste like?

Wonder Boy: Peanut butter heaven!
Me: Warm toast topped with melted peanut butter.

Now that you’ve tried it, what do you think it tastes like?

Wonder Boy: It was everything I thought it would be. It lives up to the crunch!
Me: I was pretty dead-on. It tastes like warm toast topped with melted peanut butter topped with a healthy coating of sugar.

Was your mom right or wrong to not let you eat this?

Wonder Boy: She was right, probably. This is not good for you.
Me: She was definitely right. This doesn’t taste healthy at all.

Other Comments:

Wonder Boy: I think this is a keeper, but I want to see how it stands up to Reese’s Puffs.
Me: This is better than I expected. It doesn’t taste like breakfast but it’s still pretty good.

The Verdict: We both approve!

Reese’s Puffs

Reese' Puffs have only the slightest taste of delicious Reese's Peanut Butter Cups.

Have you had this cereal before?

Wonder Boy: Yes, but as an adult.
Me: No

As a kid, what did you think it would taste like?

Wonder Boy: Reese cups being my kryptonite, it should live up to expectations.
Me: Like a Reese’s peanut butter cup, I hope!

Now that you’ve tried it, what do you think it tastes like?

Wonder Boy: Peanut buttery chocolate goodness.
Me: One bite and I’m done. This is gross. I get hints of Reese’s cups, but so, so much worse.

Was your mom right or wrong to not let you eat this?

Wonder Boy: Definitely wrong!
Me: Right. Thank you.

Other Comments:

Wonder Boy: I want to rub this cereal all over my face.
Me: How can I get rid of the taste in my mouth.

The Verdict: I’m not sure Wonder Boy is a valid judge of things flavored like peanut butter and chocolate… He loves both while I’m split.

This post originally appeared on Kate’s Point of View. © Kate. All rights reserved.

Apples and Cinnamon?

Forbidden Fruit(y Pebbles)

In this edition of the Forbidden Fruit(y Pebbles), where I enlist my family and friends to go back and taste test all of the cereals our moms wouldn’t let us eat growing up, Wonder Boy and I sample Apple Jacks and Cinnamon Jacks. What will they be like as adults? Will they be as good as we suspected? Or, were our moms right all along?

Note: After the tasting, I researched the unknown-to-me Cinnamon Jacks and it turns out that it wasn’t introduced until 2013.

Taste testing the cereals of our youth: Apple Jacks and Cinnamon Jacks.

Apple Jacks

Apple Jacks - they don't taste like apples and are so much better for it!

Have you had this cereal before?

Wonder Boy: No
Me: Nope

As a kid, what did you think it would taste like?

Wonder Boy: Sour apple Now and Laters?
Me: I guess like apples. Which would have sounded gross to me as a child and still does.

Now that you’ve tried it, what do you think it tastes like?

Wonder Boy: Basically, it tastes like Cheerios with green lipstick on it
Me: Pretty darn good! But not like apples at all so what is with the name?

Was your mom right or wrong to not let you eat this?

Wonder Boy: My mom probably would have been all right with me and my sister eating this, actually.
Me: Wrong. I feel a little cheated.

Other Comments:

Wonder Boy: I am disappointed by the lack of apple flavor.

Me: I’m thrilled by the lack of apple flavor and keeping this box of cereal to eat later. Yum!

The Verdict: We both think this was all right, though I’m probably the only one who will eat it later.

Cinnamon Jacks

Cinnamon Jacks are a newer cereal and we have mixed reviews.

Have you had this cereal before?

Wonder Boy: No
Me: No

As a kid, what did you think it would taste like?

Wonder Boy: I didn’t know this was a possibility.,
Me:Was this even available when I was a kid??? [Answer: Not unless you were born after 2013.] I have no idea but I’m hoping it tastes like Cinnamon Toast Crunch.

Now that you’ve tried it, what do you think it tastes like?

Wonder Boy: French toast
Me: It tastes like french toast with lots of vanilla, syrup and powdered sugar.

Was your mom right or wrong to not let you eat this?

Wonder Boy: If she has know about this, I think my mom would have approved and let us eat it.
Me: I’m happy I never tasted this before.

The Verdict: Mixed reviews. While Wonder Boy was okay with this, I was decidedly against it.

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