The Product of Creative Frustration

Category: family / friends Page 9 of 27


Last Saturday I made a few important discoveries:

  1. Over the last year I have drank less and less, which I view as a healthy change. I cannot, however, go from drinking very little to going for it with my friends. So alcohol may no longer be a part of my life at all. This is an even healthier change but I’m curious to see how it goes and what it means for social events. Especially social events with dancing.
  2. Wonder Boy has made the disturbing calculation of how few years we have until we turn 50 which has thrown him into a third-life crisis that seems to parallel the crisis many of my friends are going through. Saturday we went to a wedding and we going to leave shortly into the reception to go to a concert btu were conflicted because we were having fun. Our friends advice, as I remember it – do what it is you want to do and don’t feel guilty about it. We skipped the Iron and Wine show for which we had already purchased tickets. It turned out to be a good move because all reviews of the show focused on how The Madison Theater oversold their venue, which made for a lousy viewing experience.
  3. I’m always on the lookout for good music but the last place I ever expected to find it was during a wedding ceremony. I attended a friend’s outdoor wedding and during the ceremony Shadwick Wilde sang a song called Kentucky Tobacco. When I got home I immediately bought his album Unforgiveable Things and I love it. You should check it out – you will love it, too.

Last Sunday I also made a discovery. I faced serious ramifications from Saturday night which led to the decisions mentioned in point #1. Such a long, long day.

This post originally appeared on Kate’s Point of View. © Kate. All rights reserved.


When I travel I tend to target warm countries. (Ghana, Costa Rica, Australia and New Zealand since it was the summer there, Ecuador, Vietnam, Cambodia, Spain in the summer) I like heat. Winter is like a houseguest that overstays its welcome and when summer comes I rejoice. There is, however, one significant downside to summertime.

I like hot in the daytime but find sweltering heat during the nighttime to be miserable. I can’t sleep and I just lay there at night, slick with sweat. Wonder Boy and I don’t have air conditioning. We’ve made lots of improvements on our house (kitchen, bathrooms, water heat, windows) and making the investment into AC is just financially stupid. So we make do and are pretty good about it. Every year we hold out well past what most people would consider unbearable before we put in our window units. We dress light. We have all of our windows and transoms open and run ceiling fans. Our old house was made to take advantage of a cross-breeze.

This summer got hot so fast and we, very unfortunately, have a digital room thermometer. I don’t look at it. Ever. But Wonder Boy? He gives me regular updates. Last night one of our rooms measured at 89 degrees. The ceiling fan in our master bedroom, in addition to being a little on the ugly side, is broken.

We had a window unit running in our bedroom and got the room down to a frigid 86 degrees. It also makes an aggravating clicking noise. I tried to make light of it. I laid there on top of the bed sheets and played WordFeud on my phone. Wonder Boy was couldn’t take the heat.

First he suggested turning off the AC and running a fan. This might have actually been a decent idea but seemed like a waste of the electricity we had used to cool down the room over several hours. (That 3 degrees we cooled the room down by took 5 hours.)

Then he decided to go get the heavier duty window unit and run that instead. He carried it down from the attic and put it on the bed while he took out the smaller AC unit. I helped him pick up the bigger unit to put it in the window and we heard this loud noise. It was the noise of a huge hole being ripped into our bed sheets. We persisted and got the AC unit into the window only to find out wood braces we have to keep the window shut when the AC is in were the wrong size.

In the end we put the smaller AC unit back into the window. I went back to playing WordFeud. And for what it’s worth, sometime in the middle of the night I got cold enough I had to cover up with my blanket. All of this also resulted in a plan of action: Wonder Boy is buying a new AC unit tonight and I am buying new bed sheets.

Next plan of action? Hiding that room thermometer.

This post originally appeared on Kate’s Point of View. © Kate. All rights reserved.

Because who wants poop on her purse?

Due to distance, busy schedules and, this holiday season, illness, Mart Girl and I don’t get to see each other very often. When we do, though, it’s like a special treat. And what’s even better is that I normally leave  visit with her with a story.
Two-ish years ago we met up for drinks at a local pub. We were sitting at one of those high bar tables and she whips out this contraption that she sets on the edge of the table and can hook her purse onto. I though it was hysterical.
In the past several weeks I have heard about some disturbing episode of Oprah where they took purses from random women in the audience and tested the outside of them to see what germs and such were lurking. One woman had e coli on her purse! Disgusting.
So since then I have been looking at all of my purses suspiciously. Harbingers of bad stuff!
At this month’s book club, where no books were read and we spent a lot of time talking about, we had a White Elephant gift exchange where everyone was supposed to wrap up their worst Christmas gift.
I saw this and had to have it — my very own purse hook! Mary Girl, sorry I ever made fun of you.

This post originally appeared on Kate’s Point of View. © Kate. All rights reserved.

Thanksgiving v1

Round one of Thanksgiving was yesterday and Wonderboy and I hosted. It was great having everyone over at our house and it all went off without a hitch. I had fun and it looked like everyone else did, too.
I have always wanted to be one of those people who hosts lots of parties. Instead I’m usually the kind of person who’s too lazy to invite people over. It’s hogwash! Turns out that when you invite people over there are all sorts of benefits:
  • You get to enjoy the company of your family and friends (or just family or just friends as the case may be)
  • Finally you have motivation to clean (my silverware drawer has never looked so good!)
  • Depending on your guest list, you learn what parts of your house are not kid—friendly (turns out that sitting in my closet under my clothes and inside the hamper that houses my purses is really fun)
  • The scooter gets so much attention (it works as a great treat for kids, as in “behave and you’ll get a ride on the scooter”)
The low point of yesterday was hands down the tofurkey that Wonderboy introduced into my diet. BLECH. And we have leftovers! I don’t want any of that sitting in my refrigerator. Sick, hard disks of nothingness…
This post originally appeared on Kate’s Point of View. © Kate. All rights reserved.

Thankful for Wonderful Friends

On Friday night I went out with a group of ladies I used to work with to celebrate two birthdays. We laughed over drinks and dinner and caught up. It was wonderful.

Last night I went out with a group of folks to the Rusty Ball, which was more fun than I was expecting. It was great to see my guy friends in suits and to hang out with a girl who I see eye to eye with. Literally. And we were both wearing heels!

This morning was a little rocky. I should have known that when I uttered the comment, “This has three shots of vodka in it but you can’t even taste it!” that it was going to be the sort of night where I end up at home leaning over a toilet. Fortunately, that didn’t happen — just a fierce hangover.

Sometimes I feel lonely or isolated or plain old sorry for myself  and I forget how many truly fabulous friends I have. People who I can talk to, have fun with and, obviously, party with. I love them and everything they add to my life!

This post originally appeared on Kate’s Point of View. © Kate. All rights reserved.

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