The Product of Creative Frustration

Category: family / friends Page 5 of 27

Squids, the Number Six and Self Esteem

When I got my first job, it was because my parents made me. I remember being obstinate and emotional about the whole thing, neither of which were unusual for 16-year-old me. My parents drove me to the amusement park for my interview and I remember it being asked semi-serious questions considering the job took no skill. Despite creating drama over the issue at the time, getting that job was one of the greatest things that ever happened to me. (Hear that mom and dad? You were totally right!)

I read a lot about the importance of the jobs people have in high school and the role those jobs play in future career goals. That might be true, but my summer jobs didn’t lead to my current career choices as much as they did to my current social skills. I grew up in a town where you had to drive to go do anything. I went to a small-ish all girls high school. My social circle was small and my social life was pathetisad. When I started working I met boys and people from other schools. My world expanded exponentially. I also worked 60-hour-weeks with a bunch of people my own age. That concentrated grouping of teenagers spending so much time together led to adventures, stories, romances and lots of fun. The job was boring – we had to create our own entertainment.

One of my favorite memories was working at a ride where kids could wheel themselves around a small train track using a handcar. Working the ride pretty much just meant we kept kids in a line and went out to push kids who got stuck along the track. My friend T and I used to use this time to play the game “Rate Yourself” where we would pose challenges such as, “Rate yourself on looks on a scale of one to ten compared to everyone we can see now.” Sometimes we would do comparisons to people on their way to the water park. These were always flattering for us. I remember being asked to rate myself and quickly concluding “I’m a ten.” When else in your life do you get to have such confidence?

Another goofy memory I have is from working a ride featuring Jabber Jaws that we referred to as Squid. No one liked to work this ride except for me so I worked it a lot. It was stupid but kids really got a kick out of it. It was in the middle of the kids area of the park and you were removed from other rides. The only way to get other works’ attention was through hand signals. We’d hold up six fingers when we had to go to the bathroom, or just ask to take a six. (In loud places I sometimes still do this, but no one understands.) Once while working squid I cut up my middle finger on the ride pretty badly. There was quite a bit of blood and I needed to see a first aid station. I tried to get someone’s attention and keep blood off of my beautiful polyester uniform. The end result was me waving my middle finger all over the place. T was my supervisor at that point in time and he walked over with this horrified look on his face. I was completely oblivious to the hand gesture and just trying to keep my cool in front of a bunch of kids while my hand was dripping blood. When I saw the look on his face, I saw my hand and realized what I was doing and pretty much ran from the scene, partially for first aid but also from embarrassment.

Isn’t it funny the memories that stand out from your past? The things that stick with me aren’t huge events, just small details that make me smile.

This post originally appeared on Kate’s Point of View. © Kate. All rights reserved.

Sleepovers, Makeunders and Crafty Beer Cupcakes

On Saturday night, courtesy of one of my friends who doesn’t make me feel like a giant because she’s one too, I got together with a bunch of my girlfriends for a sleepover. Yep – a good old-fashioned sleepover. You might have some preconceived notions about sleepovers (I do), and they’re probably right! Me and 6 other gals sat around eating delicious snacks and drinking too many drinks and we gave each other makeovers. Or maybe makeunders is more accurate. Having a 100 color palette of eye shadow is awesome but the results were… Let’s just say that David Bowie called and he wants his eye shadow back.

Saturday was the birthday of one of the ladies at the sleepover. I volunteered to make birthday treats. I inquired into what she liked to drink, thinking I would make a cocktail themed cake. Her response was beer. I found several beer-themed cake decorations but they were all either hard or lame. What I came up with worked pretty well though.

For her dessert I made cupcakes with pink buttercream icing. Then I bought some gum paste and died a good portion of it yellow. I rolled and cut it into little barrel shapes and added vertical indentations around each of them. I took some of the remaining white gum paste and rolled into small strips that I attached on the side of the barrels. Finally, I took some white icing asnd put a little on the top of each barrel. In the end? Beer steins!

I topped cupcakes with the miniature steins and then placed them on a plate around a pint glass. The glass was initially supposed to hold beer, to go with the theme. But I’m flexible and the birthday girl was drinking mango-flavored Smirnoff Ice (gross), so we made do.

The print glass is from Urban Outfitters and says, if I remember right:

{of course I’m drunk}

Although the point of the sleepover was hanging out with my girlfriends, I also made a new boyfriend.

We’re in love.

This post originally appeared on Kate’s Point of View. © Kate. All rights reserved.

Reflecting on My 30 Days of Fun

Last night for my very fun 29th day of fun I went out with Kittvator and Wonder Boy to listen to Death Cab for Cutie. Several of my girlfriends were also at the show and the show was really good. It was a pretty awesome way to spend a Friday night.

Tonight for my last day in the 30 Days of Fun I am attending a slumber party with a bunch of awesome ladies.

I have loved the 30 day experiment and intend to do it again. The exercise did help me better develop the habit of regular blogging. My 30 days of fun was more complicated. When I set out on 30 days of fun, I assume it would be easy. Fun! But it was hard. It was way too hard.

It’s an odd feeling to have come to the conclusion that I simply am not having that much fun. It’s such a sad statement. That said, I’m glad I tackled the 30 days, lame as some of my “fun” activities were. And now I have given myself the much larger assignment of trying to make my life more fun and figure out what’s impeding the fun right now.

I think one aspect of fun is your mindset. And mine hasn’t been the most positive. As a private 30 Days activity, I am going to try and pursue a Gratitude Journal. Typically, when I hear people talk about gratitude journals, where you document at least one thing each day you are grateful for, I think they’re a little cheeseball. But if it works, then so be it!

Have you ever found yourself getting caught up in the tedium of life and moving away from what keeps things fun? How do you do you get back to a fun place?

This post originally appeared on Kate’s Point of View. © Kate. All rights reserved.

Proposals and Oreos

Last night Wonder Boy and I spent time with Chaos and Loving It and her boys, our nephews. It was a night of fun (my 26th) for sure. They are all about to set out on a great adventure to California. I am jealous but also sad about the long distance relationship I have to maintain. See, I found out last night that my youngest nephew and I are getting married! I think the age difference could be a problem (he’s two-years-old), but I’m willing to let that go.

Lest you think I forgot about day 25 of fun, fear not! Monday was such a Monday. Coming back from vacation can be such a beast. But I survived the work day and then headed over to the gym. The whole time I was working out, all I could think about was a milkshake. Seriously, my old gym closing might have been for the best. That place was right by a McDonald’s and for some reason, when I work out all I want afterwards is some dairy. Anyway… on Monday I was obsessed with milkshakes but had no place nearby to get one. So my craving shifted and when I went home I completely canceled out the working and sweating by eating (lots of ) Oreos. And they were delicious.

This post originally appeared on Kate’s Point of View. © Kate. All rights reserved.

Catching up On Some Fun

I’ve been on a family vacation the past week on Sullivan’s Island in South Carolina. I could easily say that I continued my 30 Days of Fun with 7 days of beach, but I’ll try to be more specific…
  • Day 15: Drinks at the Thirsty Monk and continuing our tradition of eating Indian food in different town by visiting Kathmandu Cafe.
  • Day 16: My dad did a great job of finding the perfect vacation house for all of us. Because we weren’t vacationing in the heat of summer, having a hottub was a wonderful addition to the rental and it made it so we could (literally) jump right in to vacation on our first night at the beach!
  • Day 17: My one sister and her husband were unable to join us on vacation because she us pregnant and on bed rest. My mom printed out some photos of the two of them and we took them out with us for Mexican food and drinks at an Irish pub on Sunday night. It was a goofy but fun way to include the whole family on vacation.
  • Day 18: On Monday the whole clan was eating some Thai takeout and a dog appeared on the deck behind the glass door. Her tag said she was Honey Dew and listed a phone number. Between my sister and I, we got Honey Dew back to her owners and it was a great feeling. Plus, the fact that it was such a cute, sweet dog didn’t hurt.
  • Day 19: My brother and my sister and her beyonce cooked us all dinner on Tuesday. They made one of my favorite foods, macaroni and cheese, and it was wonderful to have food being made for me while I got drunk with my parents and Wonder Boy while sitting in he hottub. If only there were a way to incorporate that luxury into everyday life…
  • Day 20: Wonder Boy and I served a fabulous dinner of flaming cheese, macaroni and cheese, fancy hot dogs and blueberry vodka and lemonade drinks. Dinner was delicious, but more importantly, we completely pulled off cooking it together as a team. Sometimes that can be hard to do and still get the final product out on the table on time but we did great.
  • Day 21: My family went out to eat and the Charleston restaurant specialized in seafood, leaving Wonder Boy and I a little stuck. Fortunately, we were surprised by being served some delicious Gnudi, a new food for me. Gnudi is like Gnocchi made with ricotta cheese and it is so good I want to marry it.
  • Day 22: On our last day of vacation we all set out to make the best of what was predicted to be a day with some terrible weather. We went on a four-hour kayaking trip and ended up doing the whole thing in sunshine. When we came home we had some intermittent rain but really enjoyed the best weather of our vacation. Reading while floating around in the sun on a raft and drinking beer is the right way to do vacation.
  • Day 23: Last night Wonder Boy and I made the best of our 11 hour trip home by end-of-vacation gorging on Starbucks, Taco Bell and Dairy Queen. None of that was nearly as good as being greeted at the door buy Biggie and Addy.

This is a spiny sea urchin that my mom and siblings found on the beach. Beautiful.

This post originally appeared on Kate’s Point of View. © Kate. All rights reserved.

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