The Product of Creative Frustration

Category: family / friends Page 19 of 27

Reflections for mom, near Mother’s Day

I have done a lot of dumb things in my life, many of them falling on holidays. They end up being great learning lessons though. For instance:

  • Lesson: Birthday’s are special. You should not dump a guy on his birthday. I still feel bad for this one. And I still gave him his birthday gifts – one Will Smith CD (see, Jake, it does run in the family) and some incense.
  • Lesson: While I still content that the romantic notion of Valentine’s Day is a manipulation of a Saint’s day by companies like Hallmark, for many people it’s a fun day to celebrate love. Thus said, it would be unfortunate to start dating a guy on Valentine’s Day when it happens to be the same day he has “broken up” with his girlfriend of four years, especially when he never really broke up with her.
  • Lesson: Mother’s Day should be full of only good news for Mom. You should not tell your mom about getting a tattoo on Mother’s Day. You should especially not tell your mom that the tattoo is maybe, kinda, sorta, technically speaking practically on your butt. You should definitely not do that.
This post originally appeared on Kate’s Point of View. © Kate. All rights reserved.

My imagination at work

I have this game I play where I watch shows or people interacting or whatever and I pretend that the people I am watching are people I know. For example, there is this awesome show on HGTV that I used to watch in my glory days of having cable television called Room by Room. It stars the world’s most loser-y craft couple who speak in unison, make craft book about their projects and decorate houses in country-shitty décor. When I used to watch the show I used to pretend the nerdy couple were these friends of mine named Jason and Alison who I actually think are quite cool. The contrast made the show so frickin’ funny for me. (I probably don’t have to point out that this was before I met Wonder Boy and obviously I didn’t have much of a life…)

So there is this video online and it’s funny. But if you pretend it’s someone you know, so much better. I am pretending it’s another of my many Jason friends.

This post originally appeared on Kate’s Point of View. © Kate. All rights reserved.

A story that maybe only people in my family will think is funny

Maggie Dog, my family dog, weighs all of 13 pounds and has maybe three teeth. What I am trying to say is that she is VERY intimidating. When Maggie Dog is pissed or scared or trying to hunt you down and kill you, she bares all three of her teeth and emits a low, guttural growl. It’ll make you shiver in fear.

The other day Wonder Boy and I were driving near the University of Cincinnati campus with Maggie Dog riding shotgun in Wonder Boy’s lap. We pulled up to a stoplight and the car next to us was some big caddy with rap playing and the bass up really high. The driver and his passenger were working hard to look both tough and cool. A couple seconds later I looked over and the two guys have these little boy grins on their faces and I hear the one say to the other, “Look, that dog is smiling at us!”

Poor Maggie Dog. She was trying to scare the shit out of them and tell them who was boss with her three teeth bared and they thought she was smiling.

This post originally appeared on Kate’s Point of View. © Kate. All rights reserved.

Just Vote Jake, For Goodness Sake

Submitted by my brother, Jake:

I am running for Secretary of the volleyball team. My duties will include alumni relations, parent relations, schedule god, and Club Exec Board relations. Here is a copy of my campaign letter. (Oh and just ignore the cheap shot I take at Jeff Smith’s mom):

Dear constituents,

I hereby announce that I am running for the office of Secretary. I have an exemplary track record and have held office at various levels.

First, let me tell you a little about myself.

My political experience began at the tender age of 9. I ran for Vice-President of my 3rd grade class. In my campaign, I promised more playground equipment if elected. I won the position, and I delivered. Needless to say, recess became a better experience for everyone.

After leaving the political arena to try my hand at various academic pursuits (the Spelling Bee, the Geography Bee, and the like), I again returned to serve my class. In the 8th grade, I coordinated the Hall-Monitoring Department for St. Columban School. Under my tutelage, the hall monitors got a record number of write-ups. In fact, detention hours had to be extended to make room for the overwhelming number of miscreants.

Last year, my peers elected me (by unanimous decision) the Ohio Men’s Volleyball 2005-2006 Safety Officer. I took great pride in my position and worked tirelessly to prevent injury to my teammates. When I was elected, I made a promise:

If you elect me as your safety officer, I promise I will do the job to the best of my ability, with enthusiasm, care, and precision. I will personally see to it that there are no volleyball-related fatalities during the 2005-2006 season.

I delivered on my promise. All members of the team remain accounted for. Just as I delivered as Safety Officer, I will deliver as Secretary. When I see something I want, I go at it really hard. Just ask Jeff’s mom.

As your 2006-2007 Ohio Men’s Volleyball Secretary, I will work diligently in all capacities that the position requires. It should be noted that I won awards for handwriting in both the 4th and 5th grade. Also, I have consistently received high marks in the category, “Works well with others.”

Please elect me as your 2006-2007 Ohio Men’s Volleyball Secretary. I will not let you down.

Jacob M. Westrich

This post originally appeared on Kate’s Point of View. © Kate. All rights reserved.

Touched for the very first time

This weekend I entered a whole new world in a way I have only done on a couple rare occasions. The last is when I attended a Phish concert and was surrounded by more pot-smoking hippies than I had seen in all of my previous years combined. This weekend I attended my first ComiCon.

Wonder Boy’s friend, Jesse, who I guess is my friend now too because don’t you basically inherit friends when you start dating someone, was the co-organizer of the Gem City Comic Con. The thing was huge, well-organized and my entrance into the world of comic nerds. Be it known, comic book nerds are much different than computer nerds, although the two categories are not mutually exclusive. Comic book folks dress cool, though they don’t know it and don’t quite don their apparel in the Urban Outfitters cool way.

I was very impressed with the number of collectors who were maniacally organized in their approach to collections books. They approached bothers with long lists detailing every book their collection needed. Some people had lists that were pages long.

Wonder Boy and I arrived at the ComiCon a little early and I was assigned with putting stamps on everyone’s hands who was involved with the show: exhibitors, guests, volunteers. I know, it was a pretty glamorous task and right now you are reading this and seething with jealousy. Well, and this will probably shock you, many of the people manning booths were pale boys. Honest to god there was one who was about 17-years-old and when I touched him he looked downright scared. My belief: I was the first girl to ever have touched him.

I went to the Comic Con intrigued. I left totally a fan. My only disappointment is that no one was there in costume. I said as much to Jesse and he said that if I was willing to wait that the entire 501st Storm Trooper Division was coming IN COSTUME. Later I found out that the Gostbusters came to.

Seriously, why wouldn’t EVERYONE go to Comic Cons?

This post originally appeared on Kate’s Point of View. © Kate. All rights reserved.

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