The Product of Creative Frustration

Category: family / friends Page 18 of 27

A Wonder Union with Wonder Boy

Wonder Boy has asked me to be his Wonder Wife and I said yes. There are not many details (in fact, basically none) about this Wonder Union that are known yet. As time progresses, I am sure it will be the topic of many funny posts here. To date though, here are some interesting observations as an engaged Wonder Woman (ha! That was only so I could call myself Wonder Woman, but it made me very happy…)
  • There are people I am friends with but whom are not really in my peer group. In my mind they are adults while I am still a kid. In all actuality, we are all adults and I need to get over it. I digress. These adults with whom I am friends are rather prudish. And now they think they can share sex jokes with me. Sex jokes! Ew.
  • When most females hear I am engaged, they let out a primal yelp of Oooooooh! that must set every dog in 5 mile radius into a frenzy. The reactions of these women and what they find exciting about weddings is fascinating.
    • Almost all find it their right to say something along the lines of “Enjoy it now because once you start planning the wedding it really sucks,” to which I want to say F you.
    • One woman said to me, “Oh, you must be so excited to pick your colors,” which I found to be an extremely odd comment and evidence that the person did not know me well at all.
    • The most common reaction of women is based on the assumption that I have been planning a wedding since birth in my head and know exactly what all the details should be. This, in fact, is not the case. When I played with my neighbor’s Barbie dolls (I only owned one and it was late into childhood) I married them off but always in sick, twisted escapades of ménage a trois. So these women ask me about VERY. SPECIFIC. DETAILS. of the affair and I, of course, have no idea how to answer them unless it involves me, Wonder Boy and about eight other people running off together in a pink, plastic car.

Now, I would like to say that Wonder Boy and I have some very good ideas about receptions and how a good one is done. We are practically party throwing experts and that’s basically what a reception is – a giant party. The most detailed part of the reception in our mind is the DO NOT PLAY music list for the DJ. After all, there is no bigger crime at a reception than playing a little Macarena. We will also be creating a PLAY list for the DJ because, dammit, this is my one chance to make sure a little Old Dirty Bastard is played at a wedding reception. Wonder Boy assures me that this cannot be the song we invite everyone out onto the dance floor with, but ah well. I am sure his Grandma would like it.

So I want your input. Aside from the Macarena, what songs should be on the DO NOT PLAY list?

This post originally appeared on Kate’s Point of View. © Kate. All rights reserved.

Yo yo

I know I have something good with Wonder Boy because when he went to the hoity-toity grocery store by my house and saw a funny toy, he picked it up knowing it would make my day. And, of course, it did.
This post originally appeared on Kate’s Point of View. © Kate. All rights reserved.

Clicking through my past

For a variety of reasons, I have been particularly reminiscent about college of late. Last week I went to lunch with some co-worker friends and walked to an overlook on the campus of University of Cincinnati and I swear it about made me choke. All these kids (at what point did I start referring to them as kids?) were walking around wearing whatever they wanted and doing whatever they wanted. I was gagging on the envy working its way up from inside me.

This weekend my sister and her man made a trip to visit my brother for a birthday party. I wanted desperately to go with them but our schedules didn’t quite work. Turns out that may have been a good thing. My sister said her friends partied until after 5 am. She had to crawl into her car sometime after 3 and just fall asleep – evidence we’re related! She and her man passed my brother at noon on Saturday walking down the street with a blown up raft, even though he couldn’t explain why. Now, to be fair, it was Mill Fest weekend and there were undoubtedly many-kegged parties going on. And yet, I think questioning the raft is fair.

While hearing about my brother’s antics, many of which cannot be posted in lest parental-type folks happen upon this post, made me a little concerned for his liver, I was mostly more sad about missing college. I am told by the likes of Wonder Boy that not everyone has this same sentimental approach to college and, in fact, I think he thinks I am a little (more) nerdy for it. Ah well. It’s not college as much as the time of my life. After all, I don’t wax pretty about my time in grad school very often.

In a possible attempt to depress myself, I am going to launch into some good old Ohio University stories. Some of this was at the suggestion of Becca whose eyes about feel out of her head when I told her about my college roommate, whom we shall refer to as V.

As I sit here typing away at my computer, and be it known that I am a very loud and fast typist, I am reminded of the noise V’s toenails would make as she walked across our linoleum down room floor. She grew her toenails out as long as possible and always had them painted some pearlescent tone. Long toe nails are nasty, by the way, but pearlescent, clicking toe nails are so much worse. When V would break a toenail, as one is prone to do when their toenails are over an inch long, she would save the broken off bit in a small box. She had an entire box of broken off toenails in her desk.

V was big on saving bits of her past. That was all fine, until her maybe boyfriend maybe ex-boyfriend had to cut off his mullet hair so he could get promoted at his pizza joint. He mailed the mullet hair to her and she sewed into a heart-shaped pillow of her own making. It was cheap fabric and she didn’t sew it very tight so little mullet hairs were always busting out. She drew on it with a marker, something like “V X J” and always had it on her bed.

V knew mullet boy from her high school days. In high school V had been the president of V-squared, which stood for Virgins Forever. She got kicked out of both her post and the club her senior year when she and mullet boy consummated their love.

V was a good one-year roommate for me. She taught me a lot of about What Not to Do and how to have fun. And believe it or not, she really was fun.

This post originally appeared on Kate’s Point of View. © Kate. All rights reserved.

Strike a pose, there’s nothing to it

My modeling career is really taking off, by which I mean starting. I mean I have always een told I should be a model, so it’s no surprise, right? (Okay, the only people who ever told me I should be a model were my grandpas and the old train man train conductors I worked with in high school.)

Yesterday I launched business for Kate’s House of Hands, my hand modeling company. It went okay. In the photo shoot I mock-typing on a computer and my hands weren’t conveying the emotions the photographers were going after. Also, I apparently have a tendency to have hooked or claw-like fingers. Who knew? When the photographer told me to make my right hand more delicate, I did my best. It turns out I have little control over my left hand fingers, but what’s a girl to do?

Now look at this? Does this look hooked or claw-like to you?

But since yesterday didn’t bode well for my hand modeling career, I have decided to explore ankle modeling, opening up Kate’s House of Ankles.

Despite all the ridiculousness surrounding my hands, I have been asked to model in a shoot for my friend’s music web site.

This post originally appeared on Kate’s Point of View. © Kate. All rights reserved.

A letter from my brother to his liver

Dear Liver,

You are the no-longer-functioning liver of Jake who has drank beers gloriously on the field of battle. I feel how weak and fruitless must be any words of mine which should attempt to beguile you from the grief of a loss so overwhelming. But I cannot refrain from tendering to you the consolation that may be found in the thanks of the party you died to save. I pray that our heavenly Father may assuage the anguish of your bereavement, and leave you only the cherished memory of the loved and lost beers, and the solemn pride that must be yours to have laid so costly a sacrifice upon the altar of good times.

Yours very sincerely and respectfully,

This post originally appeared on Kate’s Point of View. © Kate. All rights reserved.

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