The Product of Creative Frustration

Category: family / friends Page 16 of 27

On toasting conservatism

Some of my best friends are conservatives. Really. Okay, maybe one of my best friends? There are a lot of moderates I am friends with, too, but they aren’t nearly as entertaining as My Conservative Friend.

One of the reasons I like to hang out with My Conservative Friend is that we get to egg each other on and try and make the other person’s head pop off. For instance, while out drinking a few weeks back I told him of some consideration I was giving to an MBA program. His response, after a slightly agape mouth and widened eyes, was to say, “Welcome to the Republican party.” (My consideration of the degree pretty much ended there.)

Years ago there was this bar near the University of Cincinnati called Big Reds where they had a weekly special where you could buy an inexpensive pint glass and then get $1 beers all night. (You could use the same pint glass from week to week so it was a great deal.) I went there one night with My Conservative Friend and his business fraternity (which is basically a collection of people who own a LOT of navy blue suits and white oxford shirts) to drink. Now I’ll hand it to My Conservative Friend, he knows how to drink. But on this particular night THEY ALL TOASTED RONALD REAGAN.

After I got done peeing my pants from the absolute idiocy of this, I asked My Conservative Friend the meaning of the nonsense. “It’s Ronald Reagan’s birthday,” he said. Oh lord. I probably peed myself again, which he presumably expected from me, His Liberal Friend.

Yesterday was Reagan’s birthday. I had some beer. I thought about My Conservative Friend.

It was nice.

This post originally appeared on Kate’s Point of View. © Kate. All rights reserved.

“Thoughts on Life” with UPS Driver Cliff

All of the funny shit a UPS driver has said to my brother during his winter break job:

“‘You can’t have your cake and eat it too.’ Man, that’s the stupidest shit I ever heard. What the fuck do I want cake for if I can’t eat it? Of course I want to have my cake and eat it too. Shit.”

“Man, that’s like taking sand to a beach.”

“I saw my first porno the other day. I sure did look young back then.”

“She had a shape like Beyonce, so I knew she was a ho.”

“She’s got a big fat booty and loves the Lord. She’s your kinda girl.”

“Work smart, not hard. Write that shit down.”

“Man, you got a better chance of getting a blowjob from a piranha.”

“I only need the respect of people who sleep with me, call me daddy, or pay my bills.”
(to a pair of dogs that followed the truck around a whole neighborhood for dog treats)

“Greedy motherfuckers.”

Cliff: “I’ve been awarded the UPS Driver of the Year.”
Me: “Wow, I didn’t realize I’ve been working with a legend.”
Cliff: “You’re really an asshole, you know that?”

“Every girl is pretty in one way or another. The way she walks, the way she talks. Something. Like this girl that used to like me. She was UG-LY. She had a big gap in her teeth. Her hair was in a weave. She had big boobs and no butt. But damn she had some sexy feet.”

This post originally appeared on Kate’s Point of View. © Kate. All rights reserved.

A little curry with your clothing?

I have traveled my way through a small portion of the world, visiting mere dots on our huge planet. One point I have become very clear on is that in countries with less of a belief in deodorant than my own, long trips on buses and time spent in subway trains and terminals is filled with the overwhelming scent of curry. That’s right – you get a couple hundred stinky people together and their cumulative body odor smells like the Indian spice I take so much joy in.

I return last night from a fabulous week in Ecuador, introducing Wonder Boy to the joys of international travel. I am happy to report that the South American towns we spent time in were among the friendliest I have visited and that I never once got a whiff of curry.

Yesterday Wonder Boy and I arose at 4:45 am to start getting ready for our journey home. We spent a combined twenty hours in airports or airplanes and by the time we arrived at the Cincinnati / Northern Kentucky International Airport, my eyes were red and dried out with the lids feeling permanently at half mast and I remained standing only out of muscle memory because my brain was past the point of functioning properly. After grabbing our luggage and finding my car, I dropped Wonder Boy off at his abode and headed home where I immediately crashed.

Twelve hours in bed spent intermittently sleeping and reading has done me well. So now I sit hear at my computer terminal reading emails and blogging, of course. In what is an absentminded gesture for me, while I read my emails I had my chin resting on my hand for support. And I’ll be damned, my hand smells of curry. Twenty hours in airports and airplanes will do that to you… Time to hit the showers.

This post originally appeared on Kate’s Point of View. © Kate. All rights reserved.

Apparently references to Diff’rent Strokes mean you are old

This is not about me, but it is funny so I am sharing.

Halloween weekend one of my friends went out to a costume party on a college campus. He’s my age – 28 – so knew he would be older than the student attendees of the party. Like most of us though, he still feels the same as he did in college so thought it would be no big deal.

Now my friend, we’ll call him Tony, because that is indeed his name, is a little on the lazy side when it comes to costumes. His usually strategy is just to wear a funny t-shirt and call it a day.

True to form, Tony wore a t-shirt reading “I’m what Willis was talking about.” It’s funny, right?

Well, people didn’t get it. He tried to explain.

“I’m what people were talking about.”

Blank stares.

He stressed the word “I’m” more and more in each explanation, but it didn’t help.

Finally, one person looks at him and says, “Sorry, I was born in 1987.”

This post originally appeared on Kate’s Point of View. © Kate. All rights reserved.

Insight, laughter, alcohol and the V card

Wonder Boy and I had a fun-filled weekend that began with belly dancers and ended with NASCAR. Can it get any better?

On Saturday night we headed downtown to watch Ira Glass, host of This American Life on NPR, speak as the keynote speaker for Cincinnati Writer’s Weekend. He spoke in a beautiful old hall and the place was packed with liberal public radio listeners. I have never seen so many black glasses frames!

Ira was good, as we knew he would be. He got me fired up about writing and being creative and reminded me why I do what I do. He explained his process for making This American Life such a popular, well-listened to show and how you could apply it to other things. But mainly he showed how you can take the process of being a good creative writer and radio host and apply that to giving an excellent speech.

Wonder Boy and were fired up with Ira Goodness so we headed back to my place (I had to change out of the newly purchased f-me shoes into something a little more practical) and headed up to a neighborhood bar. Now to explain, Wonder Boy and I recently bought a house in a college town. We live surrounded by students, and I like it. Students are funny and young and creative and unmarred by the realities that adults just accept as normal. They are also heavy drinkers, bad drunks and horrible parallel parkers.

At the bar on Saturday night, where they carded Wonder Boy and I to make us feel good, we sat at the bar next to people in various stages of drunk. A slurring-ly drunk girl and her friend approached three of the gentlemen at the bar explaining their mission to find a boy to take the one girl’s V card. (This same V card had been the cause of a break up the night before and what better way to snub you ex-boyfriend than to lose your virginity one night later in a night of random, drunken sex?) Of the three men at the bar, they didn’t approach the obvious, slutty chap, nor the semi-decent looking guy. No, they approached the nastiest of them. His reaction time, hindered by an evening of drinking, was slow and he was too busy being slack-jawed to say that he would, of course, deflower the drunken girl. This pause lost him the score and I am pretty sure, based on the water I saw her drinking later, that the girl kept her V card in tact for another night.

Now really, Ira and watching drunk college students. Does it get better?

This post originally appeared on Kate’s Point of View. © Kate. All rights reserved.

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