The Product of Creative Frustration

Category: animals Page 2 of 16

Taking Care of Animals

Wonder Boy and I have been trying to make good use of our Cincinnati Zoo and Botanical Gardens passes by taking part in as many tours as we can. (Members get a discount.) Yesterday we toured the Zoo’s animal hospital. We take our cats to a veterinarian practice and the doctors they see are very good, figuring out how to take care of all types of pets. But pets is a limited range of animals. It would be easier to master that. (Not easy – just easier.) At a zoo, you take care of everything!

The veterinarian explained how he partners with other specialists for things like teeth cleaning and even partners with human doctors. The zoo is surrounded by four major Cincinnati hospitals so why not? Can you imagine being a human doctor and getting the call one day to come in and do respiratory care on a gorilla? Greatest day ever.

Right now the Cincinnati Zoo and Botanical Gardens has a new baby giraffe. The veterinarian explained how it’s great, but when his staff hear’s an animal is pregnant, they have to start cramming to make sure they can handle any scenario. He likened it to studying for the boards and hoping you never have to take the actual test.

The tour didn’t include a lot of great photo opportunities (despite what one other lady on the tour obviously thought), but it was information packed and a wonderful time.

This post originally appeared on Kate’s Point of View. © Kate. All rights reserved.

I Need a Lover Who Won’t Drive Me Crazy

We introduced Biggie to our house on Christmas 2011 and it’s taken him until about now to get adjusted. He’s a nervous guy! We don’t know what his background is. Only that he was found outside. So when he spent the first six months of his time with us nervously pacing at all hours and not sleeping well, we didn’t know what to make of it. Over time, he’s calmed down. And I think we can officially say that he’s relaxed.

Too relaxed.

Biggie’s schtick is to snuggle up in bed as close as possible to the human he loves the most at that moment. Usually Wonder Boy. But when he decided I’m the target, he goes crazy. Like many cats, Biggie likes to sit on a high perch so he can show dominance and keep a lookout on his surroundings. If I sleep on my side, my hip is the highest point on the room. So I guess it looks like a perfect place to sleep? To rest 20 pounds of dead weight?

All night long he’s purring his head off and getting really close to my face so that when I open my eyes, I see this.

I don’t know what time Biggie decided to get affectionate last night, but at 5 am I woke up feeling nauseous and having a big cat walking all over me. When I officially woke up around 7, I still felt nauseous thanks to a bad night of sleep.

So today, even though I’ve been off coffee for about six weeks, I am relying on this.

And for some reason, I keep getting John Mellencamp stuck in my head…

This post originally appeared on Kate’s Point of View. © Kate. All rights reserved.


Wonder Boy claims that my specialty in gift giving is with experiential gifts. Get your mind out of the gutter! It’s a totally PG type of gift to give. A while back I got him a Segway tour and that was a hit. I’m always on the lookout for classes, tours, speaking events, etc. For our anniversary this year, I outdid myself. Well, I think so.

This past weekend, Wonder Boy and I took a backstage tour of the Reptile House at the Cincinnati Zoo. Awesome! We (and by we I mean Wonder Boy) got to hold snakes, we (me too!) got to pet turtles and lizards. I stood only 2-3 feet away from a rattlesnake while it rattled away. It was amazing!

We both got to hold these turtles. Their legs were so strong, which was in complete contrast
to how soft the skin on their necks was.
I could have chosen to do this… but no thank you.
A nightmare in a box. This container was filled with gross worm-y things for lizards to eat
and the entire contents of it never stopped moving. Blech!
This is one of the rattlesnakes we saw up close.

We both thought the tour was so awesome that we are now members of the Zoo. That way we can get deals on other tours, because I can assure you that we’ll be going on many more.

This post originally appeared on Kate’s Point of View. © Kate. All rights reserved.

What I’ve Been Clicking On This Week

I’ve been a lot busier than normal over the last few weeks. One the one hand, it’s great because time flies and I feel really productive. On the other, I really miss downtime. Here’s what I’ve still been managing to distract myself with:

  • Just in time for Valentine’s Day, here is an easy craft you can try – felt heart bookmarks. I made two and they were pretty easy and definitely cute.
  • I read I Can Has Cheezburger every day. Not all of the posts are funny, but enough are that I stay loyal to the site. This post just made me laugh. 
  • There is a new issue of Time Magazine coming out soon that I’m going to be checking out for sure, and think you should, too. It’s all about animal friendships. Cute pictures guaranteed.
  • Guess what I got to say to Wonder Boy the other day? “Yoda Best!” I said it with this awesome card.
  • I was shopping online for some vintage-looking shoes and saw this horrendous bathing suit. The thing is, it’s so bad that it’s almost awesome. Almost.
  • Finally, I want to leave you all with a little rock. My dedication to The Features never wavers so I’ve been really excited to see them getting some good press. Their song was featured in an Asics commercial:

    They were also in a recent Express campaign – both their music and the actual band members:
This post originally appeared on Kate’s Point of View. © Kate. All rights reserved.

What I’ve Been Clicking On This Week

This week has gone by in a blur, but I still found some time to distract myself online.

  • While I do have a storage container for my gift wrap supplies, my wrapping paper won’t all fit in it so I have it all propped up inside my bedroom closet. It works fine when the paper is still shrink-wrapped, but once it’s open… what a mess. Until now. Joy Astle shares a wonderful idea for keeping your wrapping paper organized and doing a little recycling at the same time.
  • My mom has a total green thumb and always has stuff growing at home. After seeing her work wonders with so many plants, I don’t think this concept should have been new to me. Homemade Serenity shares tips on how to make food last. The tips are good in general, but the one for making your supply of green onions never run out is genius.
  • Valentine’s Day is right around the corner. While major greetings card companies make a huge  profit over the next few weeks, I’m more intrigued by what smaller card designers are producing. I wish this Awesome! card wasn’t sold out or it would be mine. (It reminds me of How I Met Your Mother.) Totally not a Valentine’s Day Card but I saw a birthday card interspersed with the holiday ones. I wish they didn’t come in sets of 10 because I know my mom would get a kick out of this card. I didn’t buy it, but I really like this I Freakin’ Love You card because it’s stitched and I just think that is awesome.
  • Infographics are getting a lot of attention online lately. There have been some great tongue-in-cheek ones created. I especially like these infographs that Book Riot posted featuring young adult heroines.
  • Last but not least, I want to point everyone to my friend Steve’s new blog Citizen Pork. The blog is a photo journal of positive things and people in Cincinnati. His photography is really beautiful and I’ve loved seeing him tackle new subjects. His most recent post on the Save the Animals Foundation here in Cincinnati has some adorable pictures of animals and helps champion a cause I care deeply about.
This post originally appeared on Kate’s Point of View. © Kate. All rights reserved.

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