The Product of Creative Frustration

Author: Kate Page 14 of 195

Creative nerd. Bibliophile. World traveler. Music junkie. Animal lover. Hobbyist. Cincinnatian. Sociologist. Journalist.

Going Back in Time: Tragedies in Novels

My Weeks in Books

I’ve been reading some heavy stuff lately. First there was lynching, then wartime naval attacks and finally family feuds resulting in murders, suicides and rapes.

And yet… the books were pretty good.

Stella by Starlight by Sharon M. Draper

I am acutely aware that a lot of people in the United States have giant hole in their knowledge of our country. I hear it when they talk aghast of atrocities happening in other countries but seem confused when you relate foreign events or more local current events to our own recent past. The history of race relations in the U.S. is an important story to tell and one often told badly.

In Stella by Starlight, Sharon M. Draper does a good job of presenting the segregated South in a way children can understand. Targeting kids ages 9 to 13 (and adults in their mid-30s…), she talks about the challenges black communities faced in general and the very real dangers they faced because of racism and the Ku Klux Klan. What’s amazing about Stella by Starlight is that Draper tells a story that gives so much, without going into any gory details. She gives the main character, Stella, a great voice by showing her both as the narrator but also as an author of some sections, helping to bring forth important parts of our history.

Dead Wake: The Last Crossing of the Lusitania by Erik Larson

I’m not typically drawn to non-fiction books. I read a handful a year and am usually happy that I have, but my preferences always lean to fiction. Erik Larson, who also wrote Devil in the White City, which I loved, has a special talent of making something I think is pretty darn boring fascinating. At book club I was trying to describe Dead Wake and kept saying, “I mean, nothing is really happening. But it’s so good.” And it was. I was reading it at the gym, where normally an exciting plot pushes me through a workout, and I was enthralled by the minutia Larson compiled about the Lusitania. I’ve found myself referencing the book in conversation.

This book is good. Read it.

Juliet by Anne Fortier

I’m not actually done with Juliet by Anne Fortier just yet, but I will be by the end of today. The book is a sort of retelling of Shakespeare’s classic Romeo and Juliet. Or, rather, many retellings of that classic story. Jumping back and forth between a present-day Romeo and Guiletta and the original classics, Fortier explains the history of the love story and how the rivalry between families (the Montagues and Capuletsin Shakespear’s version and the Tolomeis and the Salembenis in this book).

The first two thirds of the book had enough mystery and intrigue that I was really hooked. The latter part of the book appears to be turning into a straight-up romance novel and I’m losing steam. (Right as it gets steamy!) But I do enjoy hearing how classic stories have different versions told throughout history.

This post originally appeared on Kate’s Point of View. © Kate. All rights reserved.

It’s Official. Spring Has Arrived.

After too long spent indoors, Spring has arrived.Today is the first day of Spring. It doesn’t quite feel like it yet. I’m wearing a wool sweater to keep warm. Outside it is grey and murky. But there are signs that Mother Nature has called time out on Winter and hailed the arrival of Spring.Where only weeks ago I was using my snowblower to keep up with the many, many inches of snow in Cincinnati, now we’re experiencing sporadic warm days where people go running without shirts, children run at playground and pick-up games of soccer form at parks.

In my front yard, there are little flowers fighting their way up from the cold ground, and they give me hope.

Wonder Boy and I have decided that this upcoming Summer will be the “Summer of Fun.” This means that we need to complete any projects we want to get done while it is still Spring. Because once it’s Summer, we’re not working. We’re only having fun. And so we’re making lists and calling contractors and making repairs to our house and yard all in the anticipation of this “Summer of Fun.”

In the meantime, I need to make sure I am appreciating the good weather we do have.

Today I hung wind chimes off my front porch. The bright beads and beautiful Terra Cotta are in sharp contrast with the grey of the sky. But they’re hopeful. They’re screaming, “Hey! It’s about to be warm!”

Wind chimes make the porch feel more like Spring, even if it is cold outside.
I love the colors of these Nouvea Wind Chimes.
The Nouvea Wind Chime fits in perfectly next to my about-to-bloom magnolia tree.

What I love just as much as this little ornament that reminds me of Spring are the flowers shouting at me. The buds forming on my Magnolia tree.

The tiny crocus is the first sign that Spring has arrived.

I still have a while until my garden comes into full bloom, but until then, and long after, I’ll be enjoying my Nouvea Wind Chime from It’s well-made, beautiful and will remind me every time I leave my front door, even when it’s cold and grey outside, that Spring really is here.

This post is sponsored by Home ‘n Yard. I received the Nouvea Wind Chime as a free sample, but all opinions shared here are my own. If you’re looking for your own symbols of Spring to put in your yard or around your home, check  Home ‘n Yard. They have a great variety of products, including some very cute bird-shaped birdhouses!

This post originally appeared on Kate’s Point of View. © Kate. All rights reserved.

It’s What’s On The Inside That Counts, but Sometimes the Outside Needs Some Work

I mentioned a while back that I’m feeling almost back to my pre-surgery self, excepting a few areas: occasional pangs of pain, losing some weight gained before surgery and on bed rest, regaining My core strength, dealing with hair loss and addressing my skin, which is irritated and breaking out more than normal. It’s funny how much can be affected by a seemingly unrelated organ. While all of these complaints are minor, they’re still complaints.I’m actively addressing what I can. I’m regularly hitting the gym and slowly getting stronger, My nephrologist let me know that my thyroid should be a little out of whack for the next several months. He and I are monitoring it, but I assume that it’s to blame for the hair loss.

My skin is the one that I’ve struggled with the most. I know it’s not serious and mostly just vanity, but I’m in my mid-30s. I don’t want to be back on the skin regimens I used in high school!

My specific complaints are:

  • Persistent dry patches that turn painful and leave dark spots
  • General acne (likely not helped by my trying to treat the dry patches)
  • Some spots along my hairline that could be dryness or could be acne
  • Signs of aging that I used to be able to address with creams, but I’d had to discontinue the creams because of the dry patches

This is all coupled with the fact that I have really sensitive skin and will break out in hives if I use the wrong product!

I regretfully had my annual appointment with my dermatologist about 2 weeks before my hysterectomy, so I’ve been trying to come up with home remedies. I’ve spent a lot of time on Google. Do you know what you don’t want to do image searches on? Skin conditions. Yikes! The closest match I could find for the spots I was seeing, based both on definition and images, was Seborrheic Dermatitis. That label would cover both the dry spots on my skin and the spots on my hairline. I’ve found some shampoo and conditioner that is helping and that two different kinds of skin cream that seem to be slowly doing the trick.

Now that I’ve got things moving in the right direction, I’ve been trying out skin creams again. I’ve had great luck with Imbue Naturals 20% Vitamin C Serum. I’ve used it for the past several weeks and can see the difference. My skin feels tighter and, where I’m not dealing with other issues, looks great. So often when I try out a new product, it causes me to break out in hives. I haven’t had an issue with that at all! The directions indicate that you should follow use with moisturizer and that’s definitely the case. The serum leaves my skin a little dry but it’s easily addressed with lotion.

I still have my list of complaints, but now that I’m working on addressing them, they don’t seem so bad. I look in the mirror and see skin that is a little clearer and a lot brighter and that thrills me. I’m starting to get back into my regular clothing sizes and wear things that are a little more fitted. It’s a work in progress but at least I can see the progress.

This post was sponsored by Imbue Naturals. I received free sample of this product to review. All views shared are my own.

This post originally appeared on Kate’s Point of View. © Kate. All rights reserved.

Put on Notice: Regarding Plot Twists, Gone Girl and The Girl on the Train

It only took about ten seconds to pick this month’s book club selection. The Girl on the Train by Paula Hawkins is being hailed as the new Gone Girl. That attribution comes with some downsides.

Although I fully admit to being potentially the only person around who didn’t like Gone Girl, I understand why other people enjoyed it. I was distracted by the ending. I felt cheated of my time investment into the characters and the plot. I like to identify with a character and be rooting for them. When everyone is equal parts  despicable and redeemable, it’s harder for me to cope. But ultimately, it’s the end of that book that gets to me. I do my best not to share spoilers, but suffice it to say the book has a plot twist.

See: The Girl on the Train. When I’m told “It’s the new Gone Girl,” I’m reading the book waiting. I’m waiting to find out that each character I start to like is horrible. I’m waiting to find myself forgiving the characters I identify initially as horrible. But most importantly, I’m waiting for the plot twist that must be coming. None of this is bad, but I’m not sure it does Paula Hawkins and the authors sure to follow in this genre any favors.

When I watch the television shows featuring the “person who knows everything” (see: Gregory House, MD, on House;  Detective Zack Nichols on Law & Order: Criminal Intent; Sherlock Holmes on Sherlock), I’m watching the show trying to figure out the mystery before the character does. That is, until I’ve watched enough episodes to catch on to the fact that I won’t figure it out. Then I just assume the position I think I am supposed to fill: person who watches in awe as the “person who knows everything” solves the case. (Exception being the episodes of Sherlock based on books I’ve already read.) Up until that point when I just give up and start watching, the show is exciting. Once I understand that I needn’t bother, the show is still entertaining but it’s not as fun.

It reminds me of when I was younger and watching television shows on Nick at Nite and my dad could predict how every episode of The Donna Reed Show, Mr. Ed, The Patty Duke Show and My Three Sons would end. I was amazed. How could he do it? If I catch an episode of any of those shows now, it seems predictable. I know how the story arc is supposed to go.

Books are similar. I have many authors I hook onto because I enjoy their writing and it makes book selection so much easier. But once they start to follow a pattern in each story, and if I identify that pattern, my interest wanes.

I enjoyed The Girl on the Train so much more than Gone Girl. Maybe this is explicitly because of the Gone Girl comparison. I read it wary. But once you know the plot twist is coming… Once you know to be on guard… It changes the experience and I’m not sure it’s for the better. Instead of surprise (and frustration and anger), my reaction is, “Ah, there it is! I knew it!” It’s still entertaining, but somehow not as clever.

This post originally appeared on Kate’s Point of View. © Kate. All rights reserved.

Snow. Snow. And more Snow.

This hasn’t been a bad winter. Truly, it hasn’t. But these last couple of weeks have been trying to prove otherwise!Right now I am sitting inside while Wonder Boy is outside using the snow blower to clear our driveway and sidewalks (and maybe taking care of our neighbors’ sidewalks as well). Last week I spent a lot of time doing the same.
Snow blowers are amazing! I should have invested in one of these years ago!

I’m grateful I have the option of working form home, but we’ve still spent a lot of time having to make it on poorly salted and cleared roads, dodging other cars. Also some mini bikes??? Here’s a picture I took of a guy drying his best to make it down a fairly busy road on a mini bike. FAIL.

Sorry for the poor photo quality. This was taken from inside the car.
He knows he looks like a fool. See the smile on his face?

I’m hoping late today I can have a little more fun with the snow. There are two sleds sitting in my basement and they need to be used!

This post originally appeared on Kate’s Point of View. © Kate. All rights reserved.

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