If we were having coffee right now…
I’d tell you about the awesome book I just finished (The Little Paris Bookshop by Nina George) and ask you if you’d read anything good lately.
I’d let you know that Wonder Boy and I invested in some rental property a while back. It’s finally rented out (whew!) and learning to become landlords has been an interesting process.
I’d tell you how surprised I was when I realized that it was more than a year ago that I started having symptoms that led to me having a hysterectomy last November. I’m feeling great and grateful that all of that is in the past.
I’d express how excited I am to see Father John Misty perform next week and admit that, yes, I did invite him to dinner even though I haven’t heard back. I’m persisting in inviting people whose work I enjoy to dinner. Even if it only works one in a hundred times, that 1% makes everything worth it.
Finally, I would wrap my hands around my hot drink and say how sad I am to see cold weather quickly approaching. Warm weather is my favorite weather. And although having a snow blower makes winter more fun, I’d pass on all that fun in a heartbeat for just a little more hot sunshine.