Later this Fall, the Cincinnati Zoo and Botanical Gardens is losing a special part of its family. Harapan, also known as Harry, is a Sumatan rhinoceros and the only one of his species outside of Southeast Asia. He’s also one of an estimated less than 100 left in the world.
I had the good fortune to meet Harry this past Spring. He’s eight-years-old (they have a lifespan of 35-40 years) and weighs about 1,800 pounds. Standing face-to-face with him is like looking back into prehistoric times. He’s hulking with thick skin and watery eyes and horns that look built of stone. And yet. When he spots food, he becomes single-minded in his focus. He’s playful! He oozes personality!
When Harry moves to the Sumatran Rhino Sanctuary in Indonesia, he’ll join what remains of his species in the hopes of successful breeding. If it works, move people will have chances like I did to meet a Sumatran rhino. If not, the species goes away entirely.
No matter the outcome, I feel so much gratitude. Best of luck to you Harry! I hope you have endless amounts of food and playmates!
Learn more about Harapan the Sumatran rhinoceros: