If podcast advertising is any indicators, then I am incredibly busy or incredibly lazy, and am also a dude.I listen to a lot of podcasts. A whole lot of podcasts and a whole lot of the time. Enough that I recognize many of the advertisements that appear across multiple podcasts and have started to feel a little insecure. If I pay attention to the ads, then…
  • I am either too lazy or too busy to visit the Post Office (com).
  • I am either too lazy or too busy to cook a healthy meal (BlueApron) and need all of my meals mailed to me.
  • I am either too lazy or busy to do clothes shopping, and am a dude (Bonobos).

I’m starting to get a complex, even though I know it’s all not true. I love visiting my Post Office, both for the break from sitting at my desk at work and because the staff at my Post Office are nice. We eat great at my house for about half the cost per meal as what BlueApron advertises, all using cookbooks. And shopping? Sure it’s a pain sometimes, but it’s usually fun and why would I outsource fun? Oh, and I am not a dude.

I used to be so impressed with companies who were advertising on podcasts, because I assumed it was a cheaper medium with great reach. But now? Now I respond back to the ads with, “I like the post office, thankyouverymuch.” And “Seven hundred calories is your healthy meal? Ha!” And, “I am a GIRL!”

I mean, there is name recognition, but I think it’s not what they wanted.