Forbidden Fruit(y Pebbles)
In this edition of the Forbidden Fruit(y Pebbles), where I enlist my family and friends to go back and taste test all of the cereals our moms wouldn’t let us eat growing up, my brother, Kittyvator and I sample Cookie Crisp. What will it taste be like as adults? Will they be as good as we suspected? Or, were our moms right all along?
Then we go one step further and dare to ask the question: What tastes better: a bowl of Cookie Crisp or a bowl full of actual cookies?
Cookie Crisp
Have you had this cereal before?
Brother: No
Kittyvator: No
Me: No
As a kid, what did you think it would taste like?
Brother: A bowl full of min-Chips Ahoys. if that’s what it tastes like, my tastebuds will be pleased, buy I’ll still be sad for our children.
Kittyvator: Chips Ahoy is my guess.
Me: I’d hope like cookies and milk!
Now that you’ve tried it, what do you think it tastes like?
Brother: It tastes more like cereal than cookies. My tastebuds don’t appreciate that but at least the kids won’t get diabetes.
Kittyvator: This jus just weirdness personified in a cereal.
Me: Cookie-flavored cereal, I supposed, but that turns out to be disgusting.
Was your mom right or wrong to not let you eat this?
Brother: Good job, Mom. Stick with cereal that looks like cereal.
Kittyvator: Absolutely.
Me: Correct!
The Verdict: This gets a thumbs down from all of us.
What happens when you just eat a bowl full of cookies instead of the cereal?
What was better: a bowl full of Cookie Crisp or a bowl full of Mini Chips Ahoy?
Brother: Has the recipe changed for Chip Ahoy or did Cookie Crisp ruin my pallet? The real cookies are better, but only a by a little.
Kittyvator: The cookies were not better. They weren’t hard and were basically tasteless.
Me: The Mini Chips Ahoy were better than Cookie Crisp but not nearly as tasty as I remember.