There was a stretch when I watched those VH-1 “Greatest …” type programs but other than that, it’s a television station that is completely off of my radar.
Until recently.
I was sitting on the couch flipping through channels when two thoughtfully blurred out naked people appeared on screen. They were hiking in the woods, which seems like one of the last place you’d really want to be naked, so I was intrigued.
Ten or fifteen minutes passed and I was still watching when Wonder Boy came out into the living room.
What are you watching?”
“It’s Dating Naked. These people are set up on blind dates and they’re naked. You have to watch.”
Now Wonder Boy will rightfully argue that he has better taste in television than I do, if you assume that reality television is garbage and sci-fi is quality. (Occasionally questionable, but often true.) But he still watched for a few minutes.
“You can see her butt,” he said.
“Oh yeah. Give it a minute. You’ll see his, too.”
VH-1 argues that “online dates, blind dates, and the latest in ridiculous dating apps all make it hard to see people for who they really are.” I watch people flipping through Tinder and it’s hard for me to disagree with that assertion.From there on, VH-1 and I have different views on how to meet new people and get to really know them.

Each week on a primitive island resort, far from the masks of modern society, daters will go on exotic dates and be naked every step of the way.

We will follow along as two primitive daters each go on a total of three naked dates, including their first date with each other. At the end of this experience they’ll choose which of their naked dates they would like to continue dating back home.

Naked daters will bare their soul and a whole lot more in this groundbreaking dating experiment.

This show leaves me with several questions:

  1. If your date takes place in the woods, do you get to spray mosquito repellent all over yourself? Is that safe … you know … down there? And is the scent of insect repellent sexy?
  2. Because of what can and cannot be shown on television, there are a lot of butt scenes. How much advance notice do contestants (is that what they ever are?) get before being on the show? Does it give them ample time to do the squats and lunges necessary to get their rear in nice shape?
  3. Accidental touching has to happen. If you’re naked all the time, how do you create boundaries?
  4. Some of the dates are more active – think dancing. How do people manage to limit the … bouncing?
Am I missing something here??? 
This post originally appeared on Kate’s Point of View. © Kate. All rights reserved.