I’ve also been trying to do a better job at appreciating the small things in life.
Yesterday I halved my commute to work by hitting all green lights. I’ve been feeling crazy creative lately and producing so many cool things. My cats are finally behaving normally … even if it did take dressing them in clothes to get them there. (True.) Last night I watched my sweet, chubby niece pee all over my parents’ floor and it was hysterical. The bird feeders outside my kitchen are covered with birds, including two yellow finches. I have been reading books at a rate I haven’t seen since school and I love it. I am finally off of antibiotics and steroids after weeks of being sick. A woman in North Dakota appreciated my art enough to buy a print on Etsy. North Dakota! The gift I gave my friend was a huge hit and let me know that even know I feel a little helpless in what to do for her, I can still be helpful. I hung out with a new friend the other day and we had wine and looked at photography. This weekend I got to see in person three authors I greatly admire.
These are the things that bring me joy. That I am focusing on. That I am showing gratitude for. I so wish that it didn’t take someone horribly bad to give me the kick in the butt I needed to start being appreciative. But regardless of the method, I am here now. Focused on the now. Trying hard to stay conscience and present.
How do you stay present and grateful for what’s around you?