The Product of Creative Frustration


I’m recently back from 2 weeks in Turkey and Greece. Leaving other countries always gives me lots to reflect on about my own country – what we do well and where we need to improve. One thing that constantly impressed Wonder Boy and I was the friendliness and helpfulness of the Turkish people. While it may not apply to every single person, I think we only encountered two rude people during our whole two week stay. Can you imagine how many rude people you would come across here in the states during a similar two week stretch?

During our 22 hours of travel home, Wonder Boy and I discussed the warmth we experienced abroad and agreed that we needed to be nicer when we got home and wish the same for others around us. We got beat to the punch!

While we were gone, we were very grateful to have Frank the Tank and my brother watching Addy and Notorious B.I.G. as well as keeping an eye on our lawn. We were surprised to find out that our neighbor, Bertha Knuckles, not only watered our plants but also weeded our garden! (Our yard is almost all garden so this is no small task.) As if that’s not enough, my mom also made a trip over and watered the plants and weeded. Our garden is weed-free!

My parents picked us up from the airport and as my mom was telling me about the weeding, I could help but marvel that maybe we Americans are nicer than I was giving us credit for!

This post originally appeared on Kate’s Point of View. © Kate. All rights reserved.


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1 Comment

  1. Anonymous

    Go ahead and try being kind anyway. You don’t have to treat others poorly just because your friends tell you to. It’s okay to be your own person.

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