I plugged in at work and Man on Fire started playing and before the song was done, my love was professed all over Twitter. I Don’t Wanna Pray is what sealed the deal for me. It’s got the perfect mix of bluegrassy folk and anthemy lyrics that I love. It started playing and I looked up the band’s concert line-up because I can easily imagine attending an outdoor show and dancing around to this song across some crowded lawn.
At that same imagined show, when Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeroes starts to play Dear Believer, I’d have to lie down (or at least lean back into Wonder Boy) and shut my eyes while rocking back and forth into a happy delirium. Have I established yet that this album has me a smitten kitten? I can go on! Child hails to slow-jam dirty 60s rock
Here is not 100% perfect, but it’s such a welcome addition to my summer soundtrack! Love.