The Product of Creative Frustration

Month: March 2012

Review of The Marriage Plot

My Book club read The Marriage Plot, by Jeffery Eugenides, for our February book. I went into it with such high expectations. His other books, Middlesex and The Virgin Suicides, were awesome. As I was reading The Marriage Plot, I found myself pretty disappointed. But I think it was a matter of managing my expectations. The book is really solidly good. It’s no Pulitzer winner, but still quite good.

The problem with being awesome is that people expect you to stay that way. That sounds trite, but there is some truth to it. And it’s the reason that I was let down by a book being simply good.It’s nearly impossible for a performer to create a hit album every time, for an athlete to get MVP every game or for an author to consistently write excellent books. Author Jeffrey Eugenides created a near impossible situation for himself. First he wrote The Virgin Suicides and followed it up with the Pulitzer Prize winning Middlesex. How could he top those?

You can read my complete review of The Marriage Plot, by Jeffery Eugenides, on BookGeeks.

This post originally appeared on Kate’s Point of View. © Kate. All rights reserved.

I Need a Lover Who Won’t Drive Me Crazy

We introduced Biggie to our house on Christmas 2011 and it’s taken him until about now to get adjusted. He’s a nervous guy! We don’t know what his background is. Only that he was found outside. So when he spent the first six months of his time with us nervously pacing at all hours and not sleeping well, we didn’t know what to make of it. Over time, he’s calmed down. And I think we can officially say that he’s relaxed.

Too relaxed.

Biggie’s schtick is to snuggle up in bed as close as possible to the human he loves the most at that moment. Usually Wonder Boy. But when he decided I’m the target, he goes crazy. Like many cats, Biggie likes to sit on a high perch so he can show dominance and keep a lookout on his surroundings. If I sleep on my side, my hip is the highest point on the room. So I guess it looks like a perfect place to sleep? To rest 20 pounds of dead weight?

All night long he’s purring his head off and getting really close to my face so that when I open my eyes, I see this.

I don’t know what time Biggie decided to get affectionate last night, but at 5 am I woke up feeling nauseous and having a big cat walking all over me. When I officially woke up around 7, I still felt nauseous thanks to a bad night of sleep.

So today, even though I’ve been off coffee for about six weeks, I am relying on this.

And for some reason, I keep getting John Mellencamp stuck in my head…

This post originally appeared on Kate’s Point of View. © Kate. All rights reserved.

Passing Judgement

I am officially done with jury duty. When Wonder Boy handed me my jury summons, he expected me to be upset. Instead, I did a little dance. I feel like jury duty is my destiny. I have spent hours and hours preparing for this … hours and hours sitting on my couch watching Law and Order, prepping for this very moment.

During these past two week, the City of Cincinnati did not put my years of studying to work. Instead I sat in a room with lots of other people on benches of chairs. To be fair, I think I’ve been preparing for that, too.

Annual overseas trips that include long layovers in airports have taught me that sitting around can be just fine if you are properly prepared. I read. I caught up on work email. I brought granola bars and fruit strips to keep me away from vending machines. I had my ever-present water bottle filled and next to me. You want me to sit around all day? No problem.

From conversations with friends and from observing my fellow jurors, I have gathered that most people don’t like jury duty. Most people think I am strange for wanting to sit in on a case. Being judged by a jury of our peers is such an integral part of our legal system. In a political environment where people seem paranoid of any one person or group having too much power, I would think people would view being on a jury as an honor. This is our opportunity, my opportunity, to make sure that law is enforced as it has always been intended to be enforced. A chance to make sure no one person holds too much power over the accused.

If I ever find myself standing in a courthouse, accused of a crime, I hope to have my case argued to a jury of my peers rather than to one judge. It is what our forefathers intended for our country. It is what we all stand to benefit from. It is what is our duty to help continue.

This post originally appeared on Kate’s Point of View. © Kate. All rights reserved.


Wonder Boy claims that my specialty in gift giving is with experiential gifts. Get your mind out of the gutter! It’s a totally PG type of gift to give. A while back I got him a Segway tour and that was a hit. I’m always on the lookout for classes, tours, speaking events, etc. For our anniversary this year, I outdid myself. Well, I think so.

This past weekend, Wonder Boy and I took a backstage tour of the Reptile House at the Cincinnati Zoo. Awesome! We (and by we I mean Wonder Boy) got to hold snakes, we (me too!) got to pet turtles and lizards. I stood only 2-3 feet away from a rattlesnake while it rattled away. It was amazing!

We both got to hold these turtles. Their legs were so strong, which was in complete contrast
to how soft the skin on their necks was.
I could have chosen to do this… but no thank you.
A nightmare in a box. This container was filled with gross worm-y things for lizards to eat
and the entire contents of it never stopped moving. Blech!
This is one of the rattlesnakes we saw up close.

We both thought the tour was so awesome that we are now members of the Zoo. That way we can get deals on other tours, because I can assure you that we’ll be going on many more.

This post originally appeared on Kate’s Point of View. © Kate. All rights reserved.

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