The Product of Creative Frustration

Hoola Hooping

When I was younger I participated in a hoola hooping contest at a local water park. You know I was younger in this story because it wouldn’t occur to me to hoola hoop in a bathing suit now. I try to retain some amount of dignity. Anyway, I won the contest! My prize was a stuffed Yipes Stripes gum zebra.

This weekend I hung out with some friends and I was feeling pretty good. Someone pointed out a giant hoola hoop in their living room and said its what Beard and his wife use for exercise. What?!? I was, and am, so entertained by this for two reasons:

  • The image I have in my head of Beard hool hooping makes me laugh.
  • You can hoola hoop for exercise? Sign me up!

I was feeling good enough that I started hoola hooping right in the middle of their party and had a good ole time.

This particular hoola hoop was weighted, which is part of why it was good for exercise. Yesterday I ran right out and bought my very own hoola hoop. And last night I did a very strenuous workout of hoola hooping for 10 minutes while watching TV. I can only image what neighbors thought if they walked past our house and could see in the front window…

Biggie with my hoola hoop.
This post originally appeared on Kate’s Point of View. © Kate. All rights reserved.




What I’ve Been Clicking On This Week

1 Comment

  1. Anonymous

    Didn’t you come to dinner in your bikini at a recent family vaca? Why not hoola hoop in your bikini now???

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