End-of-the-year lists have started being posted online. I love this time of year! I learn about new music and cool products and get a chance to catch up on anything I miss. It makes being online a lot more fun. Here are some of the things that have been catching my eye:
- I’ve been pretty entranced with crafts lately. I think it’s because I keep seeing money go out the door and crafting seems like an inexpensive way to have fun. Via Lifehacker I saw this awesome way to make sandwich containers from old milk jugs. Right now I use snack taxi’s for everything but I also end up recycling a lot of milk containers so I think this could be a good activity.
- For my birthday I asked for an embosser with initials of both me and Wonder Boy. I love it and have been embossing holiday gift tags, mostly because I can. I never thought of taking it much further. Tradewind Tiaras showed someone using an embosser on a paper napkin and all of a sudden I can think of so many more things to emboss! Calling cards. Post-it notes. Toilet paper. Probably not the lat one but it would class up my bathroom.
- What’s cuter than a baby elephant? A baby elephant playing soccer.
- Over the holidays I go to a lot of events (so, so many) and I always feel obligated to being some dish or drink. I’m totally good with that but I’m also in a rut and keep bringing the same things. For the new year’s party I’m going to, I think I might mix things up and try out these jello shots. Pretty and fun! (I might not follow the actual recipe but I definitely want to try the sprinkles.)
- A friend of mine found these awesome cards for bad parkers and swears he didn’t learn about them by having on left on his windshield. I have so many bad parkers in my neighborhood. I think I might have to purchase these cards in bulk.
This post originally appeared on Kate’s Point of View. © Kate. All rights reserved.