I’m always searching for the perfect gift and ways to make a gift awesome. Chaos and Loving It suggested some Chuck Taylor’s as a Christmas gift for her sons. As the proud owner of five pairs of converse, I jumped all over the idea. I partnered with my mother-in-law on the purchases and she got my youngest nephew a pair of the shoes. He loved them and kept calling them his house shows.
If I were five years old and got shoes as a gift, I’d think they were boooooring. So I improved upon the idea. (I didn’t suggest add-ons for the younger nephew because, though I love him lots, I’ve seen him run and it’s cute but not … steady looking. He didn’t need any flair added to his shoes that could impede balance.)
Via the Smallfly shop on Etsy I bought some lightning bolts.
I think these are awesome. And now my nephew can be super fast, just like The Flash.