The Product of Creative Frustration

Month: December 2011

Maybe I’m the Douche

On our way to an off-site meeting today, a co-worker lamented the rising social stature of hipsters. I’m not sure I agree with his definition of hipsters, which seems to be centered on people doing things that are lame just to be “ironic” such as drink cheap beer of the PBR variety to be ironic. But, he’s definitely on target when it comes to spotting a hipster. Tight jeans, scraggly mustache, old-looking T-shirt that was likely purchased brand new from Urban Outfitters.

While I didn’t defend hipsters (although I definitely appreciate the hipster aesthetic and feel like I could talk it up okay), I did argue the point of being ironic. I feel like it’s more of an affectation. Like, “I’m above drinking some bourgeois beer. I proudly drink this working class swill.” (Again, I like PBR.) I think the affectation applies to cigarettes, music for sure and many other pop-culture references.

Midway through our discussion of hipsters, my co-worker busted out with, “Maybe I’m the douche.” (I bet he would have said douchecanoe if he’d know how cool the word was. Or maybe even doucheballoon.)

To me, this is a stellar comment. Isn’t this what we all try to avoid? In the past I have defined it as not wanting to be that girl. You know the one. But it’s so much funnier this way. The reality is, we all experience times when we are, in fact, the douchecanoe in a situation. That moment when you realize it’s not them, it’s you. And it’s terrible. But acknowledging it is the first step.

Some moments where I may play the role of the douchecanoe?

  • At Christmas, my family claps after gifts. This drives me bananas so I don’t do it. But really, they’re all having a great time clapping away. So who’s the douchecanoe in that situation? Me.
  • Entirely too often I am in situations where people find it necessary to sing. In public. As a group. Some are normal situations like someone’s birthday, but other times it’s just because people feel like doing a song parody to celebrate something or mock something. In my mind? Ridiculous. Nothing but ridiculous. But on the other hand, while I am hiding out in the back or trying to subtly lip-synch while everyone is having fun singing their heads off, I might be the douchecanoe.
  • It can work in reverse, too, of course. Sometimes you are the only one doing something that you totally should not be doing. When I tried to implement fancy hat day at my last job and wore a vintage hat all day around the office, I thought it was quirky. In reality, I was probably a douchecanoe.

I am 100% certain my siblings could come up with hundreds of other examples of when I’ve been a douchecanoe, which is why they aren’t able to submit here. But what about you? Have there been times when you thought some person or group of people was crazy only top later step back and realize, “Maybe I’m the douche”?

This post originally appeared on Kate’s Point of View. © Kate. All rights reserved.

A Few of My Favorite Things

Despite moaning and groaning about this time of year and the stress it brings, there are a few things I find uniquely wonderful about the holiday season:

  • I love those cheap, big tins of popcorn. You know, the ones that come with butter, popcorn and caramel flavored popcorn. Yum! I could eat that cheese and butter popcorn for ages, which is probably about how long it’s been sitting in a tin. My sister likes the carmel popcorn so I pass on my partially-used tins to her.
  • I like getting holiday cards. I think the photo ones are great because I can see how friends’ kids are growing up. The family letters and occasional holiday CD amuse me. But, best of all, I have a few friends who are graphic designers and design their own cards. Those are alwaysfun to see.
  • Although I think I am pretty terrible at receiving gifts, I love to give them. I take it as a personal challenge to find people the absolute best thing. After the holidays I’ll expand on some of my greatest finds.
  • White Christmas and Holiday Inn are both super movies and it only seems right watching them over the holidays so I fully take advantage of their repeated airings. I’ve struggled with both films over the years because of some pretty blatant race issues, but I try to just enjoy the stories.
  • Despite really wanting to support local businesses, my primary coping mechanism over the holidays is to do my shopping online. It’s fast, convenient and I never have to set foot in a mall.  My online shopping is fed by all of the gift guides that are published over the holidays. I love the ones by Design Sponge and My Life Scoop the best. These guides are what keep me connected with current, quirky items available online.
  • Finally, I like the holidays because I get to see all of my family and friends. I wish things were a little calmer and that I got to spend more quality time with people, but I’ll take what I can get!
This post originally appeared on Kate’s Point of View. © Kate. All rights reserved.

What I’ve Been Clicking On This Week

The beauty of the holidays is that people start doing gift round-ups and I find out about all sorts of cool things online. Here are some of my favorite discoveries:

  • A love of small spaces, if I had $40,000 to kill, I would totally buy this cute little pod. I’d have it in my backyard and use it as a hideout.
  • In my 111-year-old house, storage is always an issue so I love clever storage solutions like this one for spools of thread.
  • I was talking with a friend at work and she referred me to two old but funny videos she uses to cheer herself up on bad days. Totally funny!

  • What do you think of this project idea for using a bleach pen to personalize and decorate your clothing? I’m not 100% sure, but I think I like it! 
This post originally appeared on Kate’s Point of View. © Kate. All rights reserved.

Melting Hearts

One of the worst parts about fostering animals is having to give them up. It’s still worth it, mind you, but hard. Tonight someone is coming to visit Matzah Ball and Latke to see if they’re a good adoption match. If not, we’re taking them to an adoption fair and they’ll stay at a local pet store until adopted.

This is the best thing for them, I know. Their cute faces will melt someone’s heart like they have mine. In the meantime, I am trying to enjoy them. Last night I sat in a bedroom gift wrapping and the kittens (who are not helpful with wrapping) wanted so badly to leave their room and hang out with me. They spent the whole hour or two trying to squeeze under the door and staring pitifully at me.

When I was done gift wrapping, I played with them for a while. And despite the look of sadness on Matzah Ball’s face, he rebounded and was a pile of purrs as soon as I picked him up.

Update, 12.2.2011: Matzah Ball and Latke have indeed found a new home. They’ll be going home tonight. While Wonder Boy and I are going to be super sad, the couple who is adopting them left our house last night so excited!

This post originally appeared on Kate’s Point of View. © Kate. All rights reserved.

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