The Product of Creative Frustration

The Most Disgusting Thing. Ever.

Today Wonder Boy and I cleaned out our pantry because it was infested with some disgusting flying insects that had settled in and procreated all over the place. I am pretty much terrified of bugs so this was among my worst nightmares. We took every item out of the room and analyzed it to see if it had been attacked by the bugs or not. After three full trash bags, serious vacuuming and liberal use of bug spray (which was carefully cleaned up afterwards), the room is finally clean again. It will take me a while to get the visions of bugs out of my head.

Fortunately, we have the addition of a beautiful flower to lighten up the morbid feel of the room.

This was a gift from Wonder Boy. Orchids are among my favorite flowers.
There is such variety and all of them are stunning. 

And now I need to go shower because my skin is crawling and my head keeps itching as if bugs are all over me.

This post originally appeared on Kate’s Point of View. © Kate. All rights reserved.


What I’ve Been Checking Out This Week




  1. lovely orchid photos. 🙂

  2. lovely orchid photos. 🙂

  3. Thanks – I love how they look like velvet.

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