When I was in college, my friends and I were obsess with online quizes. I decided to take a quiz to evaluate my hipster quotient (thereby disqualifying myself from ever being truly cool enough to qualify as a total hipster) and according to tha random internet author of this quiz, honeysuckle17, I am a Subtle Hipster.
You’re pretty hip, but not in a ridiculously over-the-top kind of way. In fact, you probably look like a regular person generally and almost blend in with the masses, but you wear a few subtle signifiers of your hipness. In fact, hipsters probably don’t realize how hip you are until you get into conversations about music, movies, and politics. You’re at a healthy level of hipness. Rock on. Don’t try too hard.
I think this means I can still wear my collection of ironic t-shirts, sport my many pairs of converse and rock out to indie music you’ve never heard of, but still enjoy some Katy Perry without worrying about hurting my reputation. It also means I can be amused by the Hipster Moving Checklist and laugh at hipster jokes like “How did the hipster burn his mouth? He ate pizza before it was cool.” (Thanks Beard!) and this one about water: