Here are some of the things I’ve been clicking on this week:
- I know books are going digital but I still love the heft and feel of a paper book. Ever since I was a kid I’ve loved the idea of reading nooks. My childhood dream house, which I still would like, has a turret that is lined with book shelves. At the top is a cozy landing for reading. I don’t know if I’ll ever get that, but seeing a reading room with a hammock or this hidden reading room only makes me want a proper reading spot more.
- The next best thing to a reading nook in my house would be a hidden passageway. This door would provide the perfect front.
- I feel like I’ve got too much going on right now so I should want for something else, but for some reason I am craving a little more chaos. I learned about an online sewing class that seems pretty decent. I’ve never taken an online class that was about something I was interested in or wasn’t for work, so I don’t know how good of a match it would be for me.
- One thing that’s going to make my life less hectic is this great idea for something to bring to holiday parties. It’s cute and, more importantly, easy!
- I stumbled across this editorial via Twitter about someone deciding to give veganism a shot. I was pretty fascinated to learn that Mike Tyson was a vegan. Did you know that? Trying out a vegan diet is still on my 100 list but I don’t know if I have the willpower to try it out yet.
- Finally, this Trevor Project video shot in Cincinnati was recently shared with me on Facebook and I love it.
This post originally appeared on Kate’s Point of View. © Kate. All rights reserved.