The Product of Creative Frustration

Sleepovers, Makeunders and Crafty Beer Cupcakes

On Saturday night, courtesy of one of my friends who doesn’t make me feel like a giant because she’s one too, I got together with a bunch of my girlfriends for a sleepover. Yep – a good old-fashioned sleepover. You might have some preconceived notions about sleepovers (I do), and they’re probably right! Me and 6 other gals sat around eating delicious snacks and drinking too many drinks and we gave each other makeovers. Or maybe makeunders is more accurate. Having a 100 color palette of eye shadow is awesome but the results were… Let’s just say that David Bowie called and he wants his eye shadow back.

Saturday was the birthday of one of the ladies at the sleepover. I volunteered to make birthday treats. I inquired into what she liked to drink, thinking I would make a cocktail themed cake. Her response was beer. I found several beer-themed cake decorations but they were all either hard or lame. What I came up with worked pretty well though.

For her dessert I made cupcakes with pink buttercream icing. Then I bought some gum paste and died a good portion of it yellow. I rolled and cut it into little barrel shapes and added vertical indentations around each of them. I took some of the remaining white gum paste and rolled into small strips that I attached on the side of the barrels. Finally, I took some white icing asnd put a little on the top of each barrel. In the end? Beer steins!

I topped cupcakes with the miniature steins and then placed them on a plate around a pint glass. The glass was initially supposed to hold beer, to go with the theme. But I’m flexible and the birthday girl was drinking mango-flavored Smirnoff Ice (gross), so we made do.

The print glass is from Urban Outfitters and says, if I remember right:

{of course I’m drunk}

Although the point of the sleepover was hanging out with my girlfriends, I also made a new boyfriend.

We’re in love.

This post originally appeared on Kate’s Point of View. © Kate. All rights reserved.


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1 Comment

  1. Picou

    Wow! Very impressed. Nice to see that you’re chanellng your inner Martha Stewart ;-). Love your new boyfriend! Picou

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