The Product of Creative Frustration

Chucks and Va-Jay Jays

When Chaos and Loving it had their two boys, my nephews, I ate it up and took my job as aunt very seriously. I developed a major shopping / gift giving problem and loved to find cool outfits and toys for them. I still do and usually have a stockpile of gifts for them in my attic. I love those boys! But, when I found out my sister was pregnant, I was a little hopeful for a niece just so start looking for girl clothes and toys, too. As luck would have it, I’ll finally get my chance to shop for girl clothes! The rules I made up for my nephews will still apply: nothing cutesy; aim for cool.

Over the past months I’ve been appeasing my shopping addiction with nice gender-neutral gifts that every cool kid needs like Chuck Taylors.

I also patiently waited for my sister to have her baby so I could bust out my awesome card for new moms.

I also gave this card to my sister-in-law, but there are really very few people for whom this is appropriate.

This post originally appeared on Kate’s Point of View. © Kate. All rights reserved.




Photos in an Aquarium

1 Comment

  1. You are responsible for every “cool” item of clothing they own:)

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