The Product of Creative Frustration

Month: September 2011 Page 4 of 5

Sometimes Having Fun Doesn’t Take Much

Yesterday I finally connected with Mart Girl after four weeks of playing phone tag so I could congratulate her on getting engaged. (I didn’t ask, but I wonder of her beyonce knows he is about to become Mart Boy … within the confines of this blog…) She is one of my oldest friends and maintaining that connection with her is very important to me so catching up was great.

I also got to talk to Picu, who I haven’t talked to in years. Literally, years! And I am thrilled about having her back in town but also because she attends cat shows, which means I will get to attend cat shows, which means I will have dome hysterical blogging material. And, importantly, she knows it’s hysterical so it’s okay for me to poke fun at it.

Yesterday was the sort of day where I woke up and immediately wanted the day to just be done. I was tired, grouchy, anxious and kind of mean. I tried retail therapy, which barely made a dent in my attitude. Although, seriously, what was I thinking going bathing suit shopping while in a bad mood? I came home and did some work and watched some guilty pleasure television. But all it took to cheer me up? Talking to old friends. I need to remember how easy that cure is and use it next time.

Me and Mart Girl at my wedding.
This post originally appeared on Kate’s Point of View. © Kate. All rights reserved.

Fun, Plus Oprah Yelling Versus a Yelling Goat

Yesterday Wonder Boy and I made the VERY BIG MISTAKE of going to Ikea on a holiday weekend right as colleges are getting back in session. Want a panic attack? Do what we did. Holy moly. What I’m trying to say is, yesterday was a day that called for some serious fun so that the day could be salvaged.

Last night we headed over to my friend Kittyvator’s place and enjoyed pizza and beer.

From left to right is Easy Breezy, Kittyvator, Wonder Boy and Frankfurter.
Photo in black and white, per Easy Breezy’s request.

Then we walked a few blocks over to the Ohio River and watched the Labor Day fireworks display. I’m not a huge fan of fireworks but it was pretty amazing to be so close. And the fact that we were able to avoid the throngs of thousands and still get up close? Fabulous.

When the fireworks display was over we walked back to Kittyvator’s and he introduced us to the funniest thing ever on, which is an aggregator of hilarious videos. But no video was more hilarious than “Oprah Yelling Versus Yelling Goat.” I cried. I think we all cried. And multiple views later, we were still crying. When I played it on my phone on the way home, still crying. I’m crying just thinking about how funny this is.


This post originally appeared on Kate’s Point of View. © Kate. All rights reserved.

Day Three of Fun

Today’s fun was some of my favorite kind. Wonder Boy and I headed out to our YMCA for the last day of the outdoor pool we will be able to enjoy this summer.

It was a bittersweet day, knowing we won’t be headed to the pool for another nine months. But it was also 94 degrees outside so the pool felt wonderful. I don’t know what everybody else was thinking, though, because the pool was nearly empty!

The great thing about heading to the pool with this guy is that afterwards, when you suggest you head out to get some soft serve, he will always say yes.
This post originally appeared on Kate’s Point of View. © Kate. All rights reserved.

Second Day of Fun

Day number two in my thirty days of fun was spent with my sister the bride and three of us gals in the wedding party. We went out to try on our bridesmaid dresses and it was a bust. But! A day can always be improved with soft serve, right?

It usually helps, when having soft serve ice cream, not to be eating rancid chocolate ice cream. But we all made do and through some very careful eating techniques and a lot of laughter, I think we all still had a good time!

This post originally appeared on Kate’s Point of View. © Kate. All rights reserved.

Wonder Boy and Rock

Isn’t it fascinating to think about how certain people have changed you? Sometimes the changes are good and sometimes less so. I think it’s pretty expected that my husband would have great influence on me, but I could have never predicted the many small, but influential ways. One standout is how I approach music.

When I was in college I hung out with music snobs. There’s simply no other way to say it. And I was content with listening to some old school hip-hop, punk rock and 80s pop with a healthy dose of Beastie Boys. Nothing I was drawn to could be defined as indie rock and certainly nothing fit any of criteria by which my friends were judging music. But here’s a skill I had. I could totally fake my way through a conversation about music, generally having no idea what was going on. I was noncommittal and tried to just follow the sea of opinions around me.

My last year of college I was writing for the entertainment staff of the school paper and later started freelancing for various sites doing book and CD reviews. (I didn’t have to fake my way through anything book-related.) I was assigned some very good CDs to review that made it so I had the first Kings of Leon album before its regular release. I could sing along with the Shins before any of my music snob friends knew who they were. And all of this occurred just as I was meeting Wonder Boy. Who is kind of a music snob. (He knows this.) So when Wonder Boy and I would start talking about music, I was well prepared to fake my way through long conversations. I was so much more believable thanks to the music I was reviewing! He bought it hook, line and sinker.

Over the past eight years I have gotten to the point that I no longer have to fake my way through any conversations about music. I can, dare I say it, lead these conversations. I would even go so far as to say I am a music snob. (I still like some Paper Boy and anything old by Beastie Boys.) This is totally thanks to my relationship with Wonder Boy. He introduced me to music in a nonjudgmental way and there was give and take in the conversations about who is good and who is not. (I do have some strange, horrible fondness for Katy Perry and I’m not sure he could bring himself to that level.) I always trend towards music with a lot of sugar and he likes his with a healthy dose of Prozac but where our tastes converge is great.

I love that when one of us emails the other with a concert listing there’s no question of the other person saying yes. (I once requested going with friends to Jimmy Buffett a few years ago and then made a drunken scene so I am pretty sure Jimmy Buffett requests would elicit a No Way but I think that’s the only one.) This is the reason we’ve seen 6 legitimate shows in the last 7 weeks. And why we now own earplugs. But it’s also why I have lots of great memories to look back on and one of the many reasons I’m appreciative to have Wonder Boy at my side.

This photo is only funny if you know Wonder Boy, but it’s a pretty perfect representation of him combining his nerdy traits alongside his deep love of cheese.

This post originally appeared on Kate’s Point of View. © Kate. All rights reserved.

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