I’ve long had a fascination with As Seen on TV products, primarily because catalogs of them are filled with an equal mix of great ideas an plain crazy ones. Whenever a new catalog comes in the mail, I look forward to flipping through it and seeing if there is anything I’d like to buy (very, very rarely) or anything that’s funny (every time).
My most recent catalog had an item that outdoes any other I have ever seen. The Super Kegel Exerciser.
Please ignore the arrows on the image. When I left the catalog out for Wonder Boy to see, I wanted to make sure he didn’t miss the Super Kegel Exerciser. Because it’s hysterical.
The fact that this item was featured in an As Seen on TV catalog is not that unusual. (There are way pervier things sold.) But the picture that accompanies it? Ohmigod. Wonder Boy claims the lady is merely clutching the Super Kegel Exerciser between her thighs. I think she has it shoved up her butt. Regardless, I’m not sure the picture helps sell the item.