But first, why in the heck was I given this?!? I am nearly six feet tall and have arms like a monkey. One of the last things I need is something to help me reach further. My grandparents used to have one of these in their late eighties. But I am not in my eighties.
There is one thing I can’t reach. My house has tall ceilings. I don’t know how tall … taller than normal though. We also don’t have air conditioning so we’re constantly using our ceiling fans. I can’t always get to the pulls on our ceiling fans and have to climb up on a stool or chair. Enter the Gopher IITM.
Standing solidly on the floor, I attempted to turn the ceiling fan on and off.
After about a dozen tries, I pulled it off. Honestly though, I don’t know how an older person (is it bad that I’m assuming they are the target audience?) could be steady enough and have the hand-eye coordination to pull this off.
I have since found a better use for the Gopher IITM. It scares the heck out of Biggie and that boy could use some exercise.
So how does the Gopher IITM rate?
- Inventiveness? I feel like these have been around forever, so not so much
- Practicality: Yes
- Does it work? Pretty well