The Product of Creative Frustration


Last Saturday I made a few important discoveries:

  1. Over the last year I have drank less and less, which I view as a healthy change. I cannot, however, go from drinking very little to going for it with my friends. So alcohol may no longer be a part of my life at all. This is an even healthier change but I’m curious to see how it goes and what it means for social events. Especially social events with dancing.
  2. Wonder Boy has made the disturbing calculation of how few years we have until we turn 50 which has thrown him into a third-life crisis that seems to parallel the crisis many of my friends are going through. Saturday we went to a wedding and we going to leave shortly into the reception to go to a concert btu were conflicted because we were having fun. Our friends advice, as I remember it – do what it is you want to do and don’t feel guilty about it. We skipped the Iron and Wine show for which we had already purchased tickets. It turned out to be a good move because all reviews of the show focused on how The Madison Theater oversold their venue, which made for a lousy viewing experience.
  3. I’m always on the lookout for good music but the last place I ever expected to find it was during a wedding ceremony. I attended a friend’s outdoor wedding and during the ceremony Shadwick Wilde sang a song called Kentucky Tobacco. When I got home I immediately bought his album Unforgiveable Things and I love it. You should check it out – you will love it, too.

Last Sunday I also made a discovery. I faced serious ramifications from Saturday night which led to the decisions mentioned in point #1. Such a long, long day.

This post originally appeared on Kate’s Point of View. © Kate. All rights reserved.


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1 Comment

  1. i can totally relate to your #1- i’m going through the same thing right now. and it’s like you said, i really enjoy social drinking b/c otherwise i wouldn’t be as outgoing and there would be nooo dancing. plus, it’s just something that i enjoy doing w/ my friends who also like to drink. but it seems like i might be headed out of that life phase? let me know how it goes for you!

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