The Product of Creative Frustration


Isn’t it nice when you fine someone who has your same sense of humor? Someone who, when you spot someone with their sweater tucked into their pants you can point and know he or she will laugh with you? Someone who gets as big a kick out of Your Mom and That’s What She Said jokes as you do? I’m lucky in that I found that with Wonder Boy. I’ve found lots of other people who share by 12-year-old boy sense of humor. But not as many people see the humor in Mollie.
Quite a while ago, Wonder Boy and I were going through a weekend circular for coupons and come across one of those ads for porcelain dolls — you know, like replicas of Princess Diana. Only this one was of a monkey named Mollie. It was awesome. It was also more than $100. Wonder Boy clipped the ad and shared it with a co-worker. Who went ahead and ordered herself Mollie.
We now have Mollie…. on loan I hope think. Friday night I stayed home alone with a head cold but had Mollie to keep me company. Quite a sexy date, don’t you think?
This post originally appeared on Kate’s Point of View. © Kate. All rights reserved.


Dreams Deferred


Walking In the Clouds


  1. Creepy. Freaky. I showed Jude this picture on my phone and he said “no” and turned it off!

  2. Poor Jude. Next time he sleeps over, I’ll be sure it’s my old stuffed bear he still gets to sleep with and not Mollie.

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