The Notorious B.I.G. is a big boy. It’s part of the reason he has the name he has. He weighs in at a solid, and I do mean solid, 18 pounds. When he got to the rescue from which we adopted him, he weighed 14 pounds.
A lot of the weight has been gained at our house while we were intentionally trying to fatten Newton up. While Newton, who was struggling to maintain any weight, didn’t really get any fatter, Biggie and Addy treated life like an all-you-can-eat buffet. So now Biggie has this taught stomach then when you pat it sounds like a drum. When he is on his side, his stomach folds in two, and looks a little too much like a vijayjay. Gross.
Long ago Wonder Boy and I realized that the smartest thing we could do as cat owners was to buy an automatic feeder. That way, when the magical hour of breakfast rolled around the cats wouldn’t be sitting on top of us in bed waiting for food. Instead they would stare intently at the feeder, waiting for food to magically pour out. It has worked wonders.
I believe that when the makers of our particular brand of automatic feeder planned their product, they didn’t do it with our fat cat in mind. Biggie has discovered that if you knock the feeder over, the lid pops off and you can eat half a tub of food — about five days worth of food. When Wonder Boy taped the feeder’s lid shut, Biggie just ate through the tape. So now it is quadruple-taped and that seems to be working. But somehow, Biggie’s gut just looks bigger and bigger.
This post originally appeared on Kate’s Point of View. © Kate. All rights reserved.