For the last 2 or 3 years I have had one constant compassion: my water bottle. It might not seem that significant, but it holds 40 ounces and weighs a shit-ton. I’ve dropped it while full and empty and then had to use a hammer to make bottom flat again. I double the weight of my purse but insist on lugging it around to most places.
I rationalize this because I can use the bottle to gauge water consumption: one full bottle before noon and one after noon. Some days (today) I’m really behind but in general I stay on target. And I feel better for it.
But maybe there is more behind it.
Last summer one of my father-in-laws joked that my water bottle was my security blanket. I laughed but the comment has stuck with me and so I’ve been paying attention. I think he may be right.
I take my water bottle in to meetings. Rationalization: if people see you drinking a lot of water, it’s like a built-in excuse for a mid-meeting bathroom break. I can also use taking a drink to cover up yawns. I take my water bottle to social gatherings. Rationalization: if there are only nasty drinks offered, I can just drink my water. I take my water bottle to some restaurants. Rationalization: I’m cheap.
But what most reinforces this security blanket their … I have my water bottle with me during difficult conversations. When I get stuck or uncomfortable, I fiddle with the bottle and take a drink. I don’t pause my talking very well, but taking a drink offers me the same pause.
This post originally appeared on Kate’s Point of View. © Kate. All rights reserved.