Due to distance, busy schedules and, this holiday season, illness, Mart Girl and I don’t get to see each other very often. When we do, though, it’s like a special treat. And what’s even better is that I normally leave visit with her with a story.
Two-ish years ago we met up for drinks at a local pub. We were sitting at one of those high bar tables and she whips out this contraption that she sets on the edge of the table and can hook her purse onto. I though it was hysterical.
In the past several weeks I have heard about some disturbing episode of Oprah where they took purses from random women in the audience and tested the outside of them to see what germs and such were lurking. One woman had e coli on her purse! Disgusting.
So since then I have been looking at all of my purses suspiciously. Harbingers of bad stuff!
At this month’s book club, where no books were read and we spent a lot of time talking about www.urbandictionary.com, we had a White Elephant gift exchange where everyone was supposed to wrap up their worst Christmas gift.
I saw this and had to have it — my very own purse hook! Mary Girl, sorry I ever made fun of you.
This post originally appeared on Kate’s Point of View. © Kate. All rights reserved.