If you follow many blogs, go back to their beginning and read every post, follow them religiously on rss feeds and feel friends with people you’ve never met, you’re probably familiar with the concept of a 365 project. To execute this, you take pictures of something every day for a while year. For instance, if I was building a house, I would take pictures of that house every day to show the progress of its construction. If I had a child, I could take pictures of him or her every day to document growth over one year.
Another common topic on blogs is 100 lists, sort of a variation on a bucket list. I have been working on my 100 list and when it’s done I’ll post it here. It’s just taking forever to come up with 100 things! One item on my list is to do a 365. I’m not building a house and don’t have kids so I am keeping my theme more broad.
For the next year I will attempt to take a picture of my house every day. I can’t promise I’ll post one every day, but I’ll try to represent all of the days through pictures. When I’m on vacation, I’ll capture my temporary home. I told you my theme was broad.
Over the next few weeks there will be some changes taking place. We’re redoing both of our bathrooms so I am watching the destruction of rooms and waiting, waiting, waiting for the rebuilding of those rooms. I have pictures that cover the span of a few days starting with day one of demo.
Day 0, Before Shots of the Bathroom (So noted because it was Wonder Boy who actually took the pictures)
Behind that door is the smallest full bath ever.
How many types of building material can you count in this picture?
It doesn’t look nasty in this picture. I kept those pictures to myself. Trust me – it is gross.
Day 1, First Day of Demolition
Turns out prior owners had awesome taste in wallpaper. And that tan-looking design? It’s on the ceiling. Best thing about the ceiling? Once the nasty ceiling tiles were tore out, we found out the renovated bathroom can have ceilings 1.5 – 2 feet higher!
Interesting discovery: At some point our house had a fire. Here’s proof! The house has been around 111 years, though, so I think everything is safe.
Day 2: Second Day of Demolition
Our shower head is still hanging. Can you spot it?
Containing the dust.
So…if both baths are being remodeled, where are you showering? Or are they being done one at a time?
Excellent question. Unfortunate answer, for now. I’m showering at night the gym. It works out okay and makes good use of a membership I haven’t taken advantage of in a while. It’s also forcing some workouts. But public showers? Blech!