The Product of Creative Frustration

Month: November 2010 Page 1 of 3

Holy Moly

We just got home from Thanksgiving v2 and v3. On our way home, in the pouring rain, we passed the mall. And there in the parking lots were hundreds of insane people. They were all there waiting to be the first ones into Toys-R-Us. And by first ones, I mean to be part of the throng of people who enter the store when it first opens tomorrow morning. They were already lined up by the door. At 10 pm. The night before. In the pouring rain.

I am looking forward to curling up in my bed and sleeping in tomorrow. Y’all enjoy your Black Friday but any shopping I do will be done in this little thing called the internet. It’s awesome. You can use it at home in your PJs. Where it’s dry. And you aren’t surrounded by crazy people.

This post originally appeared on Kate’s Point of View. © Kate. All rights reserved.

To Being Thoroughly Engrossed

I’m in the middle of a great book – The Rossetti Letter by Christi Phillips – and it’s making time at the gym a little easier to endure and going up to bed earlier more a treat because it means I get to read a chapter or two. I’ve already read the sequel to the book (oops!) so I know Phillips will keep my attention all the way through the end of the story.
Normally when I have a good book in my hand, I want to tear through it but am also very aware that I should attempt to slow down and make it last a little longer. But! On my bedside table are two more books waiting to be polished off – the second and third of the Millennium trilogy (Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, etc.). It’s like a signed permission slip to be gluttonous in my reading this holiday weekend. And don’t think I won’t take advantage of it.
This post originally appeared on Kate’s Point of View. © Kate. All rights reserved.

Thanksgiving v1

Round one of Thanksgiving was yesterday and Wonderboy and I hosted. It was great having everyone over at our house and it all went off without a hitch. I had fun and it looked like everyone else did, too.
I have always wanted to be one of those people who hosts lots of parties. Instead I’m usually the kind of person who’s too lazy to invite people over. It’s hogwash! Turns out that when you invite people over there are all sorts of benefits:
  • You get to enjoy the company of your family and friends (or just family or just friends as the case may be)
  • Finally you have motivation to clean (my silverware drawer has never looked so good!)
  • Depending on your guest list, you learn what parts of your house are not kid—friendly (turns out that sitting in my closet under my clothes and inside the hamper that houses my purses is really fun)
  • The scooter gets so much attention (it works as a great treat for kids, as in “behave and you’ll get a ride on the scooter”)
The low point of yesterday was hands down the tofurkey that Wonderboy introduced into my diet. BLECH. And we have leftovers! I don’t want any of that sitting in my refrigerator. Sick, hard disks of nothingness…
This post originally appeared on Kate’s Point of View. © Kate. All rights reserved.

Thankful for Feeling Good

Yesterday was rough, the result of enjoying Saturday night a wee too much. I made it through the day, hosted family at my house and, I think, convinced people I was feeling good. But by 7ish I crashed onto my couch with a killer headache and was still hung over. So today I am very thankful that the pounding in my head has stopped.
This post originally appeared on Kate’s Point of View. © Kate. All rights reserved.

Thankful for Wonderful Friends

On Friday night I went out with a group of ladies I used to work with to celebrate two birthdays. We laughed over drinks and dinner and caught up. It was wonderful.

Last night I went out with a group of folks to the Rusty Ball, which was more fun than I was expecting. It was great to see my guy friends in suits and to hang out with a girl who I see eye to eye with. Literally. And we were both wearing heels!

This morning was a little rocky. I should have known that when I uttered the comment, “This has three shots of vodka in it but you can’t even taste it!” that it was going to be the sort of night where I end up at home leaning over a toilet. Fortunately, that didn’t happen — just a fierce hangover.

Sometimes I feel lonely or isolated or plain old sorry for myself  and I forget how many truly fabulous friends I have. People who I can talk to, have fun with and, obviously, party with. I love them and everything they add to my life!

This post originally appeared on Kate’s Point of View. © Kate. All rights reserved.

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