For people not in the know, the Sure Clip™ is a toenail clipper that is decked out with added features. When you open the Sure Clip™, it actually does look impressive. But I think it might prove to be a little too large to handle (that’s what she said) for the people in the target population for the product — mostly older folks who need assistance with clipping their nail.
The Sure Clip™ features include a magnifying glass so you can get a good look at the nail in question. There is a light so that even in the dark the magnifying glass will come in handy. Finally, there is a mechanism so that as you clip nails, the clipped pieces are caught inside a compartment for disposal later.
I’m not going to show you shots of this item in action — that seems cruel to you. But I need to show that I really did try it out. My foot needed work! (You can ignore the pitiful nail polish. That’s just laziness.)
So I clipped some nails. The magnifying class was useless. The light was cool and funny but added nothing. Maybe if I clipped my nails in the dark? No clippings were caught in any special compartment. The only way I could see this items being useful was if you were clipping someone else’s nails, which is pretty much gross except in the case of caring for sick and old people or your kids. In those instances, though, I would think you’d seek out something a little more delicate rather than this unwieldy contraption.
So how did the Sure Clip™ rate?
- Inventiveness? Yes
- Practicality? Not unless you are assisting older or ailing people or kids
- Does it work? Nope
Hi, the light does need a battery or batteries in order for it to light up, meaning I’ll have to switch a new battery or batteries once it runs out, right?
The Sure Clip uses Lithium Ion batteries and it comes with extras. I don’t know how long they would last though.