Cincinnati has been undergoing tremendous efforts to remodel or build new schools. It seems that everywhere I look there is a new, beautiful public school. Hughes High School is a landmark in Cincinnati and fortunately other agree with me. Rather than build a new school to replace it, a lot of money (35 million) was invested into restoring it to its original grandeur.
Often when I am showing out-of-town friends around the city and point out Hughes High School, the response is always one of surprise that the building is not part of the University of Cincinnati. It’s just so big and stately looking that you don’t associate it with a high school.
For many years Hughes High School hasn’t been looking so hot. So when Wonder Boy and I saw the restoration starting, we were thrilled. We were even more thrilled this past weekend when we got to tour the building and see the results. The building looks amazing. But the coolest part? We got to go up in the tower above the school to the highest point in Clifton.
It was a once in a lifetime event.