The Product of Creative Frustration

Month: July 2010 Page 1 of 2

Dangerous Activity: Sleeping

Three weeks ago I participated in a very dangerous activity. At nighttime, I went to sleep. I have regretted that decision ever since. When I woke up that morning, I felt some mild discomfort in my back. By the end of the day I could not turn my head to the right nor to the left. Wonder Boy had to drive me home and I spent the evening alternating between ice and hot packs around my neck and back.

Yesterday I slept like a champion but woke up still stiff and hurt the entire day. I still didn’t drive and I spent last night watching movies and icing or heating my neck. My assumption that this would be a short-lived thing and I would wake up by today feeling find. Notsomuch.

This morning I woke up with sharp pains in the middle of my spine and I was unable to move without making horrible, beastly sounds. With one large Ugh I was able to roll over and literally roll off the bed. Sad, sad scene. And so now, one what would be one of my last four days at work, I am at home feeling miserable.

I am not the first person to go through this so I started asking around. Naturally, people are more than willing to offer medical advice (regardless of any actual medical knowledge). Here are my options, as I see it:

  1. Go to my family doctor, who will likely prescribe muscle relaxers
  2. Go to a massage therapist and give them a shot and reducing the mess of knots of my back
  3. See a chiropractor
While in pain and freaked out about my health, I am not good at making decisions. At all. So for now I am doing a double whammy. A little after lunch Wonder Boy is taking me to my family doctor and this afternoon I am getting a massage. I have my fingers crossed that this will work. It better, because I need to get things at work wrapped up so I can quit without completely screwing everyone over.
This post originally appeared on Kate’s Point of View. © Kate. All rights reserved.

Picking Cotton

A review of “Picking Cotton: Our Memoir of Injustice an Redemption” by Jennifer Thompson-Cannino and Ronald Cotton with Erin Torneo

One in six women will be sexually assaulted in their lifetime, according to RAINN, the Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network. Some of these women will be able to confront their attacker through our justice system, but many will not. “Picking Cotton: Our Memoir of Injustice an Redemption” is the story of one woman who got to point out her attacker in a police lineup and watch him be sentenced in court to a lifetime in prison. It is also the story of a man sentenced for a crime he didn’t commit and how survived our prison system.

“Picking Cotton: Our Memoir of Injustice an Redemption” is an easy read, despite the rough topic at hand. It begins with a foreword (a part of books that I admittedly often skip) showing Jennifer Thompson Cannino, the rape victim, and Ronald Cotton, the purported rapist, hanging out as friends. I was immediately intrigued.

Without giving away the meat of the story, what I found most valuable were the lessons in the importance of good police work, slid evidence and careful application of sentences as severe as the death penalty, a topic I won’t go into my opinion of but which this book clearly shows has it’s flaws. (Learn more from the Innocence Project.)

I challenge people to read this book and learn about forgiveness, the legal system (more than what my beloved Law & Order shows on television) and circumstances that I fear happen all too often in our country without anyone knowing it.

This post originally appeared on Kate’s Point of View. © Kate. All rights reserved.

Retribution: About Time

This morning I woke up officially one year older. Essentially it’s just another day, but I’m excited for this year. I’ll be starting a new job, which is like a new beginning. A chance to meet new people, learn about new parts of the city and for me and Wonder Boy to learn what it’s like to not work in the same building. I was pretty happy with that.

After pouring coffee and making lunch for Wonder Boy (because I do that on occasion, despite rumors that he is always the one making our lunches), I came upstairs and he said, “Want a good gift for your birthday?” Of course I did. “Remember Duch?” he asked. And of course I did. He was one of the horrible Khmer Rouge leaders and he ran a horrible prison in Cambodia. Wonder Boy and I visited it about 18 months ago and what we saw was horrifying. And occurred not that long ago, although long enough ago that punishment should have already been served out.

As of this morning, he has been sentenced to 35 years in prison. People in Cambodia are furious with the length of the sentence. They should be. He ran a prison that killed more than 14,000 people. But at least finally justice, of some sort, is being served. And for Duch, quite an old man at 67, 35 will be a life sentence.

Barbed Wire at Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum in Phnom Penh, Cambodia
Memorial Stupa at the Killing Fields of Choeung Ek in Phnom Penh, Cambodia.  Some 8000 skulls are on display in the Stupa.
This post originally appeared on Kate’s Point of View. © Kate. All rights reserved.

One Good Reason to Get a New Job

In just a few weeks I will be leaving my current job for a new one. One little benefit is getting paid out for all of the vacation I have accrued. All six weeks of it. You read right: six weeks. Well thank goodness! For the past many many many weeks (okay, several months) my shower has been busted and Wonder Boy and I have been getting by using his. It’s not too much hassle, but we can tell his doesn’t have a very long shelf life either. (Many thanks prior home owners!) Today the toilet in my bathroom, the showerless one, busted. And I mean busted good.

And so now we sort of have to tackle the project because it’s just getting plain old ridiculous. But with a little vacation pay out, not so rough. Dual flush toilets, here we come!

This post originally appeared on Kate’s Point of View. © Kate. All rights reserved.

A Change of Scenery

As of today I can officially announce a big life change for me: new job! After 10 years of working at a the same place, I’m mixing it up a bit. I was fearful of three major hurdles:

  1. Telling my primary boss. But he was so gracious and nice about it that I shouldn’t have been anxious.
  2. Telling my bosses boss who I have basically reported to for all 10 years and really like as a person. He too was really great about it. I little more anxious about the loss of me as an employee (due to my awesomeness) but still great about it.
  3. Telling the people on the team I work on.
I have worked for the past several years with about 9 of the greatest people. We all have completely inappropriate senses of humor and share things at our meetings that would make HR blow a gasket. I can truly say the best part of every work week is our team meeting. How strange is that?
When I told the team I was going I saw some teary eyes but people were really happy for me, all the more indication that it is a great team and one I will really miss.
This post originally appeared on Kate’s Point of View. © Kate. All rights reserved.

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