My sister has this awesome handmade piece of jewelry. It’s a glass heart pendant that is a mix of sweet and twisted and I love it. The woman who made the jewelry is having a jewelry party. I was invited but legitimately cannot go, which is just as well because jewelry parties rank right up their with baby and wedding showers. That said, I asked if I could buy a pendant like my sister’s.
“What if we do a trade?’ the lady asked. “I’ll make you jewelry and you make my daughter a Barbie cake for her sixteenth birthday.” We agreed.
A note to make this sixteen-year-old’s birthday cake sound normal. Apparently many years ago the jewelry lady made a Barbie cake for daughter #1. Daughter #2 never got one and has complained since. Sixteen is her year.
A note about this barter plan. My sister and I are SUCKERS.
I attempted to make the cakes and it was a disaster. Night two went much better but all told I went through six boxes of cake mix and about 2 dozen eggs. Yikes!
Last night my sister came over for decorating. It took about 3 hours but WE LOVE IT – the final results are fabulous.
My sister said, “I feel like this is what moms do now — make cake’s like these for their daughters. I won’t do this again.” And then that’s when I pointed out why having aunts is so nice. And she stopped asking my why I wasn’t popping out babies.