Last night I was surrounded by kids whose social life was better than mine was at their age, certainly. However, I would like to think that I achieved some higher level of maturity. I know that’s not true. But it’s nice wishful thinking.
Wonder Boy and I headed out to see The Features for the bazillionth time. (Seriously, check them out. They’ll be your new favorite band!) They are touring with The Whigs right now and it’s funny seeing them on a proper tour. The were there before the show started and they stuck around for more than the obligatory 5 minutes to sell merch. The boys are big time now!
While maybe not truly our bazillionth Features show, it was the ninth or tenth time we’ve seen them. That’s enough that now we can knowledgeably rank one performance against another. And last night’s was solid but not their best. But it’s hard for me to really judge because I was distracted by the THRONGS OF TEENS in the Mad Hatter.
Damn the all ages show! Damn these kids for having a social life like I never ever thought to pursue. But really, damn those kids for not having the respect to shut up and listen to some seriously good rock (because even on an average night The Features will blow your mind) and to discover their new favorite band.