For the last 12-18 months my computer has been dying. A very painful death. It moves like molasses and has hot pink lines that go across the screen. But I’m cheap and felt, on principle, that the thing should last longer. After a lot of convincing, Jason reformatted the computer and tested his monitor with it to try and resolve, or at least isolate, the problem. Nothing.
The other night he walks in and asks what I am doing. “Reading a book,” I say. “While I wait for this web page to load.” He started laughing. As he should have.
So the other Wonder Boy asked if I was going to the gym. I said he was and he suggested that we shouldn’t so we could discuss our home renovation project (more on that later). “All right,” I said, “but if I don’t go to the gym I am going to buy a computer and you can come with me and we’ll talk on the way.” Just like that I had made my decision.
And not only that, I am switching from PCs to Macs. This will be interesting. I am a PC nerd through and through and hate having to struggle with technology. I also have been a little stagnant with my learning so this could be a good opportunity… We’ll see.
Regardless, NO PINK LINES! It should be shipped any day now.