Tonight I am heading out for my very first pottery class – at least the first time I will use a pottery wheel. I am pretty stoked for the creative outlet and for a chance to learn something new. I am feeling a little stunted lately and I would like to capture that feeling you get when you start a really good book and can’t put it down. I think that can happen with learning, too. Once you start learning about something you enjoy, you start consuming everything on the topic you can.
Maybe I should alter that statement. When I find something I like, I consume it in great quantities at a great speed. I become a little obsessed. It could be a problem. Yeah… I have a problem.
Take knitting. When I learned how to knit a scarf I went at it all gung ho. I knitted 14 scarves in one month! My wrists ached and my eyes were bloodshot. I never learned more than one stitch so I just did it over and over again making scarf after scarf. And then I put down my knitting and haven’t done it since.
Cross stitching was the same deal. I was a crazy woman buying all of this floss and pattern books and then I stopped cold turkey.
I could continue to give examples but it might start to make you think I should be institutionalized. Or worse, make me think it…
We’ll see how tonight goes. To be honest, I sort of hope it unleashes the mania. I miss it and think it could be nice to have back for a while.