The Product of Creative Frustration

Month: June 2009

Don’t f*ck with a decepticons

I went to a birthday party this past weekend for a three year old. It was contained mayhem — kids running to and fro all hopped up on sugar. I got a kid fix that will last me for quite a while, getting to smooch on my nephew’s belly and play the role of Super Cool Aunt with my Transformers Optimus Prime Voice Changer Helmet.

The helmet is basically completely awesome — making you sound all tough and gravelly. My favorite quote from someone wearing a mask was “Don’t f*ck with a decepticon.” Good fun.

This post originally appeared on Kate’s Point of View. © Kate. All rights reserved.

Powered by Bose

People at work are running their jibs non-stop and then acting all frustrated that they can’t get their work done. Seriously? Try shutting up for about 5 minutes. It will do wonders. My weapon against sound are some sweet Bose headphones. Thank god for anything that muffles that chatter and lets me zone out to some Mile Benjamin Anthony Robinson.

So as I am sitting here grateful for sound barrier, this phrase popped in my head: “I’m powered by Bose.” And it made me mile.

Many, many moons ago, Wonder Boy left me a note on my desk at work that said “Powered by Kermit the Frog.” It was cryptic and sweet and let me know that he was wearing his Kermit the Frog T-shirt as an undershirt that day. It was just a goofy little exchange of the type that was more common early in our relationship than now. And I don’t mean that in a sad way — I say that fondly reminiscing about what we were. And how that helped to lay the foundation for what we are.

This post originally appeared on Kate’s Point of View. © Kate. All rights reserved.

Bad Places

I find myself in a weird, stunted place creatively. I come home from work exhausted. And I am thrilled by seeing the things in my garden grow and by being greeted at the door by my cats. But beyond that, it’s hard to muster up the energy to make it much farther than my couch or bed.

Depressing, right? Or just depressed. Regardless, the balance between work and life needs to be struck in a much better way because I have things I would much rather be focusing my energy on. Or at least having enough energy to make the choice.

This post originally appeared on Kate’s Point of View. © Kate. All rights reserved.

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